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Published October 5, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a power facility in Belmont, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a power facility.

Sub Bid Category Roofing and Flashing, Metal Windows Contractor Qualification DCAMM Certificate. All requests for clarification must be submitted to CHA Consulting no later than five days prior to the respective bid deadlines. The work of this Contract includes building envelope repairs including replacement of some components. The estimated construction cost of this Project is $ 989,333.00 MBE: 7.4 percent of the contract price; WBE: 4 percent of the Contract price. A. The goal of the project is to stop water leakage through several areas of the building envelope and for the repairs to be durable, reliable, and low maintenance. B. Work will be performed on the roofs, penthouses, and exterior walls of the Fire Substation, and will require access from both the interior and exterior of the building. The building will be occupied and in use by the Owner for the duration of the project; all work must be closely coordinated with the Owner's Representative. 1. Removal of glazed aluminum storefronts and replacement with glazed aluminum curtain walls, and reconstruction of perimeter flashings and sealants. 2. Removal and reinstallation of aluminum windows and reconstruction of perimeter flashings and sealants. 3. Selective removal of gypsum wallboard, venetian blinds, and particle board sills at fenestration openings as needed to allow the aforementioned work to be completed. Reinstallation of particle board sills. 4. Remove, reinstall, and provide new granite cladding. Remove CMU backup wall and construct a brick masonry backup wall. 5. Remove and reinstall granite watertable. 6. Demolish and reconstruction concrete sidewalk. Excavate and backfill, as needed to installed below-grade waterproofing. 7. Removal and replacement of hollow metal roof access door, and reconstruction of perimeter flashings and sealants. 8. Removal and reinstallation of composite metal panel cladding system, including light-gauge metal furring, installation of new self-adhered membrane air/water/vapor barrier, and reconstruction of perimeter flashings and sealants. Remove and dispose of existing XPS insulation. Provide mineral wool insulation of matching thickness. 9. Removal and reconstruction of brick masonry veneer, installation of new selfadhered membrane air/water/vapor barrier, and reconstruction of perimeter flashings and sealants. Remove and dispose of existing XPS insulation. Provide mineral wool insulation of matching thickness. 10. Construction of a new cap flashing assembly including carpentry, membrane, and metal flashing, over the existing composite metal panel cornice at the roof edge. Bid Results: 070001 Roofing and Flashing Stanley Roofing Company-$246,000.00 080001 Metal Windows Prudential Door & Window Co Inc-$260,840.00

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Power Plant


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99 Leonard St, Belmont, MA

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