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Published November 16, 2020 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Madison, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

All potential bidders must become certified by DOA prior to submitting bids on state construction projects with budgets over $50,000. All bids received from contractors who are not certified will be rejected In general the work consists of: replacement of the existing borehole/in-ground hydraulic 29jack with a new hydraulic system and cylinder assembly that complies with all current 30ASME-A17.1 code and includes double-bottom design on Elevators 1 and 2in rooms 31B100H and B100I respectively. The project also includes replacement of the hydraulic 32pumping unit on both elevators. The work includes securing the elevator car in the 33hoistway to permit work on the jack, removing existing jack assembly, installing new jack 34with double bottom design, bolster plate, reinforced pit channels, and set of pit buffers to 35work in conjunction with jack, replacement of hydraulic jack oil as required, and 36replacement the hydraulic pumping unit for both elevators Work of this section includes providing equipment, incidental material, transportation, all permits, all taxes and all labor required for a complete and operable elevator installation. Where singular reference is made to elevators or elevator components, such reference shall apply to the number of elevators or components required to complete the installation. This specification provides a broad outline of required equipment and does not describe the details of design and construction. Details shall be included in shop drawings required to be submitted in this section. Elevators shall be erected, installed, adjusted, tested and placed in operation by qualified elevator installers. Project involves the replacement of the existing borehole/in-ground hydraulic jack with a new hydraulic system and cylinder assembly that complies with all current ASME-A17.1 code and includes double-bottom design and the replacement of the hydraulic pumping units on Elevators 1 and 2. The Primate Center is a four story building with a basement. The Primate Center is served by two elevators; Elevator 1 is used primarily by humans and Elevator 2 is used primarily for primates, equipment and feed movement. Both machine rooms are located in the Basement; Elevator 1 in Room B16 and Elevator 2 in Room B100A. Elevator 1 is out of service at this time and must be repaired first and be returned to service for one week before starting work on Elevator 2. The Primate Center will be occupied during the construction period. Maintain public access, both pedestrian and vehicular, throughout the duration of the project. Building systems will remain operational during construction. Any shutdowns of systems must be coordinated with DFD Project Representative. Hours of work and construction protocols will be established at the Pre-Construction meeting. Access to certain areas within the Primate Center is restricted. Noise and vibration may be limited to certain times of the day for certain locations. Contractor personnel may be required to "gown up" to access and work within these areas. In addition, contractor personnel may be required to present certification of having passed a recent TB Intradermal Test. These protocols regarding building access, work conditions, and staging areas will be defined at the preconstruction meeting. Replacement of the existing borehole/in-ground hydraulic jack with a new hydraulic system and cylinder assembly that complies with all current ASME-A17.1 code and includes double-bottom design on Elevators 1 and 2 in rooms B100H and B100I respectively. The project also includes replacement of the hydraulic pumping unit on both elevators. The work includes securing the elevator car in the hoistway to permit work on the jack, removing existing jack assembly, installing new jack with double bottom design, bolster plate, reinforced pit channels, and set of pit buffers to work in conjunction with jack, replacement of hydraulic jack oil as required, and replacement the hydraulic pumping unit for both elevators.

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1223 Capitol Ct, Madison, WI

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