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Published November 30, 2020 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a civil project in Grosse Ile, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

**As of 11/12/2020, this project has not been awarded yet. A timeline for award has not yet been established. Base Bid - Section I - Primary Settling Tank #3: Contractor shall Remove and Replace Primary Clarifier gear box, motor, Metal Weir, etc; Owner shall furnished Polychem brand of Brentwood Industries, Inc. collector and control equipment and as listed below: i. The replacement of Clarifier Chain and Flight Collector system; ii. The replacement of Clarifier Screw Cross-Conveyor; iii. The replacement of local control panel, associated wiring and conduit per contract documents and the latest Local and National electrical codes iv. The installation of a new main control panel, associated sensors, new wiring and conduit per contract documents and the latest Local and National electrical codes. v. All other related items identified in the Contract Documents; Contractor shall remove existing weirs located inside Tank #3; i. Contractor shall Purchase/Fabricate Metal Weirs as shown in Section 01270. ii. Each Tank has 3 Metal Weirs. Base Bid - Section II - Secondary Settling Tanks 1 & 2: Replace One (1) tank at a time; Remove and replace the center drive of the two (2) secondary clarifiers per construction schedule provided herein. New center drive assembly, per scope-of-supply provided herein, shall be Owner Furnished and as manufactured by Westech Engineering. The work on this Section includes the below items: i. Remove and replace the center drive assembly ii. Remove all control panels and conduits associated with the removal of the center drive and replace with explosion proof panels, new wiring and conduit per contract documents and the latest Local and National electrical codes. All necessary Electrical equipment, parts, etc., shall be purchased and installed by the Contractor; iii. All other related items identified in the Contract documents All materials, equipment and labor to provide the owner with a system ready for use; Alternate Bid - Section III - Primary Settling Tank #2: Upon Funding Availability, The Work on Tank #2 would be authorized to start right after Section I is completed; Work on this Section will be similar to Section I; Engineer Cost Estimate +-$200,000.00 Dollar To submit a bid for this project, prospective Bidders shall purchase Bid Documents from the C.E. Raines Company. Bids shall remain firm and may not be withdrawn within ninety (90) days after the actual date of opening thereof. A properly completed Bid Bond, Certified Check or Cashier's Check in a sum not less than five (5) percent of the proposed amount of the proposal submitted, shall accompany each proposal as security for acceptance of the Contract by the lowest qualified bidder. Should the Contractor fail to enter into a Contract agreement with the Owner, through no fault of the Owner, he/she shall forfeit the entire amount of the security to the Owner. The Township of Grosse Ile does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Township of Grosse Ile reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, waive any irregularity in any proposal, and make an award of Contract in any manner, deemed in its best interest. Proposals submitted after the exact time specified for receipt shall not be considered.


Water / Sewer


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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October 29, 2020

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24975 W River Rd, Grosse Ile, MI

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