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Published October 23, 2020 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Casco, Maine. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Town of Casco invites your bid for the 2020-2023 Winter Walkway and Building Entrance Maintenance. Duties shall include care and maintenance of the walkways and building entrances in including: 1. Casco Post Office. Entrances to the Casco Post Office at 942 Meadow Road including the front entrance and loading dock. 2. Raven Salon. Entrances including the front customer entrance, the side stairs and landing, and the rear entrance to the building basement. 3. Community Center Building. All entrances to the Casco Community Center building at 940 Meadow Road, including two entrances to the basement at the back of the building, and entrances to the two heating fuel containment areas. 4. Storage/Generator Building. All doors to the generator storage building in back of the Community Center. 5. Casco Library. Front and two rear entrances to the Casco Library, including the ramp. 6. Casco Town Office. Front entrance and rear exit. Walkway to the heating oil fill. 7. Walkways. a. Sidewalk between the Post Office and the parking area. b. Walkway from Post Office customer entrance to Route 121. c. Walkway in front of the Casco Community Center across to the bank building. d. Walkway between the Library and bank building. e. Walkway down the length of the Village Green from the Community Center to the Grange Hall parking lot. Maintenance of walks and entrances shall include the following: Removal of all snow and ice from surface of all entrances and walkways. Application of grit (sand) and deicers as required (Town shall supply all grit and deicers.) 1. Removal of snow and ice, and application of grit and deicers as required prior to start of business and arrival of employees at each designated site (times may vary at each building). 2. Monitoring of each site for the duration of a storm event and maintaining all entrances and walks for the duration of storm events to provide safe passage for customers and other pedestrians. 3. Review and plan with Facilities Manager any special or unusual circumstances, events, or conditions. 4. Clearing of walkways and entrances with a curbing shall include clearing snow and ice above and below the curbing to allow safe conditions for stepping up or down off the walkway or entrance at the site of any curbing. 5. Placement of containers with deicer, to be filled by the contractor as necessary, inside each building entrance, for use as may be required between checks by contractor. General 1. Contractor shall be responsible to the Town Manager, or his/her agent. 2. All contractors must comply with all federal and state requirements for insurance on motor vehicles, qualification of drivers, and drug testing, as required. 3. Certificates of insurance are required, and must be submitted as part of the bid. Certificates of insurance shall cover liability and Workers' Compensation. The Casco Select board reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Casco, ME

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