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Published December 4, 2020 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and new construction of a civil project in Duluth, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

MOBILIZATION, LUMP SUM 1.00; FIELD OFFICE TYPE D, EACH 1.00; CLEARING & GRUBBING, LUMP SUM 1.00; SAWING BIT PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH), LIN FT 48.00; REMOVE PIPE CULVERTS, LIN FT 44.00; REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT, SQ YD 1,526.00; GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE 6, SQ YD 1,246.00; DEWATERING, LUMP SUM 1.00; TEMPORARY STREAM DIVERSION SYSTEM, LUMP SUM 1.00; ONE LANE BYPASS (17' LANE), LUMP SUM 1.00; EXCAVATION - COMMON(P), CU YD 2,572.00; GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV)(P), CU YD 524.00; SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT (CV)(P), CU YD 1,465.00; SELECT GRANULAR EMBANKMENT MOD 7% (CV)(P), CU YD 2,002.00; AGGREGATE SURFACING (CV) CLASS 5(P), CU YD 105.00; AGGREGATE BASE (CV) CLASS 5(P), CU YD 555.00; BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR SHOULDER TACK, GALLON 88.00; TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (3;C), TON 464.00; 12X9 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULV END SECT, EACH 2.00; 12X9 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX CULVERT, LIN FT 74.00; REMOVE EXISTING BRIDGE, LUMP SUM 1.00; COARSE AGGREGATE BEDDING (CV)(P), CU YD 195.00; 15" CS PIPE APRON, EACH 2.00; 44" SPAN RC PIPE-ARCH APRON, EACH 4.00; INSTALL CULVERT MARKER, EACH 4.00; 15" CS PIPE CULVERT, LIN FT 57.00; 44" SPAN RC PIPE-ARCH CULV CL IIA, LIN FT 142.00; CULVERT EXCAVATION CLASS U(P), CU YD 1,972.00; RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS II(P), CU YD 83.00; RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS III, CU YD 34.00; PLACE BOULDER, EACH 8.00; TRAFFIC CONTROL, LUMP SUM 1.00; PORTABLE SIGNAL SYSTEM, LUMP SUM 1.00; EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISOR, LUMP SUM 1.00; SILT FENCE; TYPE HI, LIN FT 1,502.00; COMMON TOPSOIL BORROW, CU YD 442.00; FERTILIZER TYPE 3, POUND 350.00; EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3N, SQ YD 5,049.00; SEEDING, ACRE 1.00; SEED MIXTURE 25-141, POUND 59.00; RAPID STABILIZATION METHOD 3, M GALLON 12.50; INTERIM PAVEMENT MARKING, LIN FT 660.00; 4" SOLID LINE PAINT, LIN FT 550.00; 6" SOLID LINE PAINT, LIN FT 1,100.00; 4" BROKEN LINE PAINT, LIN FT 110.00; Electronic bids must be accompanied by a corporate surety bond in an amount which is at least equal to 5% of the total amount, and may be submitted electronically through Bid Express(R) using Surety 2000 or InSure Vision Technologies, LLC, or as a hard copy by mail or other delivery method, either as a corporate surety bond or a certified check made payable to the County Auditor of St. Louis County. If not submitted electronically, the proposal guaranty must be received at the St. Louis County Public Works Department, 4787 Midway Rd, Duluth, MN, 55811 in a sealed envelope marked clearly with the name of the bidder, type of work, and project number by 4:00 p.m. the day prior to the specified date of opening. LOCATION: SLC Bridge 76 located 17.6 miles SE of Cotton on CSAH 4 CP 0004-366245: CSAH 4 between CSAH 49 and CR 547 CP 0004-366248: CSAH 4 between CR 274 and CSAH 49 SAP 069-604-080 (Tied) CP 0004-366248 (Tied) CP 0004-366245: Construct Bridge 69K81 (County Bridge 76) and Approaches over Humphrey Creek 17.7 Miles SE ofCotton, MN CP 0004-366248: Construct Bridge 69K80 (County Bridge 942) and Approaches over unnamed stream 18.0 Miles SE ofCotton, MN


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

New Construction, Paving, Site Work

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