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Published February 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Las Vegas, Nevada. Completed plans call for the demolition of a playground / park / athletic field; for the construction of a playground / park / athletic field; and for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

The "PROJECT" of which the "WORK" of the contract is a part titled WETLANDS PARK: OUTDOOR EDUCATION AND NATURE CONNECTION CENTER and is located at 7050 WETLANDS PARK LANE, LAS VEGAS, NV 89122. The "WORK" is described in the project drawings and DIVISIONS 1 THROUGH 48 of the PROJECT MANUAL. The WORK consists of but not limited to selective demolition of existing site as described in the drawings and specifications, to construct and install an approximate 1-acre nature themed park and signage for the existing WETLANDS PARK NATURE PRESERVE. Construction includes all administrative work as outlined in the division one general requirements and the following installations using materials noted on drawings and in the specifications: selective demolition to include irrigation valve removal, replacement and salvage; irrigation mainline abandonment, replacement and protect-in-place; split rail fence removal, replacement and protect-in-place; concrete removal, replacement and protect-in-place; and vegetation removal and protect-in-place. Concrete flatwork including but not limited to concrete sidewalks, exposed aggregate and stained decorative concrete, stamped and imprinted concrete, concrete curbing, shade structure pads, seating areas, and concrete bridge crossings. Nature themed play elements to include tree stump steppers, balance beam log, log tunnel, musical instruments, birds nest, multi-log climber, plank bridge, log chutes, ants with legs, bee on flower, spider web crawl, boulder hill climber, grinding rock, and associated ADA compliant safety surfacing. Site amenities to include pre-cast benches, living plant archways, animal-proof trash receptacles, split rail fencing, hill with natural logs and rocks, natural upright logs, and wayfinding, interpretive and park signage. Electrical to include underground conduit with nylon pull strings and pull boxes. Earthwork, clearing and grubbing for all slabs, site drainage. Landscape work including but not limited to preservation and protection of plants, installation of trees, shrubs, grass, decomposed granite rock mulch, boulders, stabilized decomposed granite pathway, circle of boulders with concrete ADA pathway, boulder with park dedication plaque, boulder with BLM/SNPLMA plaque, selective retrofitting of existing irrigation system, adjusting irrigation in adjacent turf to remain, new drip irrigation and irrigation controller. the price for installations shall include: purchasing all associated engineering, required permitting, all associated appurtenances and accessories as required for a full and complete installation of the items and materials noted on Drawings and specified herein. work shall complete the entire work within 210 calendar days Question Cutoff Date: 12/9/2020 01:00 PM (ET) ESTIMATED COST: $1,035,500.00 - $1,090,000.00.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Demolition, New Construction, Site Work





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December 23, 2020

February 22, 2021


7050 Wetlands Park Ln, Las Vegas, NV

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