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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Concord, New Hampshire. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The State of New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, hereinafter referred to as the "NHDES", intends to pre-qualify firms for the following contract: "Design, Installation, and Maintenance of Water Supply Treatment Systems 2021-2025" for private and small public water supplies throughout the State of New Hampshire. The prequalification process is intended to select interested, experienced firms to bid on a contract for water supply treatment system installation and maintenance at properties affected by petroleum and/or hazardous waste contamination. Bids will not be accepted from any firm which has not been pre-qualified. The work will consist of planning, installing, maintaining and removing treatment systems for private and small public water supplies as directed by the Department of Environmental Services (NHDES). Each installed treatment system must meet minimum specifications and performance standards to achieve drinking water quality output. The work will also include operation and maintenance, upgrade/replacement and/or removal responsibilities for approximately 55 existing treatment systems now in operation throughout the state. Firms interested in pre-qualifying for this work shall submit complete Prequalification Forms clearly demonstrating the firms' past experience with planning, installing and maintaining treatment systems. Additional pages may be attached as necessary. The Prequalification Forms shall also document any subcontractors the firms intend to use. NHDES may notify the contractor in writing if it has reasonable objection to any proposed person or entity identified as a subcontractor. Firms responding to this Invitation for Prequalification shall, at a minimum, be presently engaged in water treatment system installations and maintenance and shall have been continuously engaged for at least the last five years in the installation and maintenance of point-of-entry treatment systems with the majority of their systems installed within the State of New Hampshire. The qualifications and experience of each firm will be evaluated solely based on the information provided in the Prequalification Form. The evaluation process will focus on the firm's experience with the chemicals of concern, the treatment processes employed, the firm's resources and preparedness, and the firm's volume of experience treating water supply contamination in New Hampshire. Experience with every type of contaminant listed is not absolutely necessary but demonstrated experience with removing volatile organic compounds is required. Within 30 days of receiving the complete Prequalification Forms, NHDES will select firms that are prequalified to bid and notify all firms of their prequalification status. The NHDES will forward Bid Documents and Specifications to the prequalified firms shortly thereafter. The NHDES will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by applicants in connection with the preparation or delivery of their Prequalification Forms. Following review of the forms, the NHDES will notify applicants via email of the names of those firms that have been prequalified to bid the subject four-year contract. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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June 11, 2021


Multiple Locations, Concord, NH

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