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Published October 20, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a municipal facility in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Design plans call for the construction of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

As of October 20, 2022, the City has approved an awarded architect. *The previous solicitation is listed below for reference. The Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency (MRA), on behalf of the City of Albuquerque, is inviting proposals for the purchase or long-term ground lease and redevelopment of parcels of land in the Downtown Metropolitan Redevelopment Area. The property address is 101 Silver Avenue SE, and consists of a vacant lot that is approximately 0.8 acres, located on the north side of Silver Avenue between 1st and 2nd Streets. The legal description is: Tract 1, Silver Gardens Subdivision, as shown on the Plat recorded in the office in Bernalillo County Clerk on December 17, 2008 as Document #2008132498, consisting of approximately 0.7966 acres. There will be no minimum purchase price set by the MRA for the property. Sale, ground lease or alternative financing methods will be considered. The Evaluation Criteria, as more specifically outlined in the MRA RFP, include: Consistency with the Stated Project Goals Team Experience Design Financial Structure Financial Capacity Timeline Depending on the number of applications received, the Selection Committee reserves the right to create a short list of Proposals using Selection Criteria 1: Consistency with Stated Project Goal, 2: Team Experience, and 3: Design. As more specifically outlined in the RFP, Developer selection is a multi-step process, including: 1. Project submittal and qualification by the Advisory Selection Committee, which may include sending follow-up questions to Respondents, assistance from thirdparty technical advisors, and interviews of top respondents. 2. Advisory Selection Committee recommendation to the Albuquerque Development Commission. 3. Selection by the Albuquerque Development Commission reflected in a recommendation to Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency staff to enter into an Exclusive Negotiation Agreement (ENA)with Respondent. If the Albuquerque Development Commission does not have a quorum due to recusals for the selection of this RFP, or for any other reason is unable to reach a majority decision, the MRA Manager shall make the final decision. 4. Development Agreement negotiations with selected developer. The following information shall be included on the outside of the envelope: Respondent name, title of the RFP (First and Silver), attention Jonathan Teeters, Metropolitan Redevelopment Agency. Sealed proposals shall be submitted as 1 PDF file saved on 2 USB flash drives. Required confidential financial information can either be submitted on the USB Flash drive as a separate PDF document or submitted as a hard copy as part of the sealed proposal . The City Reserves the Right to Reject Any or All Offers. The City May Elect to Waive Informalities and Minor Irregularities in Offers Received. Nothing in This RFP Implies a Contractual Obligation With Any Firm, Nor Will the City Reimburse Costs for Submittal Requirements. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.




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New Construction, Site Work

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September 2, 2024


101 Silver Ave SE, Albuquerque, NM

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