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Published December 18, 2020 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Houston, Texas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

The work consists of providing the necessary labor, materials, equipment and supervision to construct the Water Plant No. 1 Improvements for Remington Utility District No. 1 (the "District"). Contractor shall review the entirety of the contract documents for the full details of the work involved. Scope has changed from The work consists of providing the necessary labor, materials, equipment and supervision to construct the Water Plant No. 1 Improvements for Remington Utility District No. 1 (the "District"). Contractor shall review the entirety of the contract documents for the full details of the work involved. The work generally includes but is not limited to: Preparation of all metal surfaces to be recoated. Blasting and recoating the interior (entirety) of G.S.T. No. 1 and No. 2. Blasting and recoating the exterior walls and roof of G.S.T. No. 1 and G.S.T. No. 2. Removing and replacing the interior ladder of G.S.T. No. 1 and G.S.T. No. 2. Replacing the seal along the base of G.S.T. No. 1 and G.S.T. No. 2. Wire brush cleaning and applying cold galvanizing spray to exterior ladder and security cage of G.S.T. No. 1 and G.S.T. No 2. Blasting and recoating the roof handrail of G.S.T. No. 1 and G.S.T. No. 2. Blasting and recoating G.S.T. No. 1 and GST No. 2 associated piping & valves including but not limited to drain line, interconnect line, equalizer line, water well fill line, surface water fill line, and header & suction lines. Blasting and recoating gooseneck type roof vent of G.S.T. No. 1 and G.S.T. No. 2. Pressure washing and recoating generator enclosure. Providing roof surface walkway area for G.S.T. No. 1 and G.S.T. No. 2. Disinfection G.S.T. No. 1 and G.S.T. No. 2. Blasting and recoating of Booster Pump No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 & No. 4, including associated suction & discharge piping, valves, and all appurtenances. Wire brush cleaning and recoating of Booster Pump Motor No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 & No. 4. Blasting and recoating interior and exterior of Hydropneumatic Tank No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3. Blasting and recoating well discharge head, including associated well discharge header piping, valves, and all appurtenances. Wire brush cleaning and recoating of Well Motor. 18. And all else specified and shown in the contract documents. to The work consists of providing the necessary labor, materials, equipment and supervision to construct the Water Plant No. 1 Improvements for Remington Utility District No. 1 (the "District"). Contractor shall review the entirety of the contract documents for the full details of the work involved. The work generally includes but is not limited to: Preparation of all metal surfaces to be recoated. Blasting and recoating the interior (entirety) of G.S.T. No. 1 and No. 2. Blasting and recoating the exterior walls and roof of G.S.T. No. 1 and G.S.T. No. 2. Removing and replacing the interior ladder of G.S.T. No. 1 and G.S.T. No. 2. Replacing the seal along the base of G.S.T. No. 1 and G.S.T. No. 2. Wire brush cleaning and applying cold galvanizing spray to exterior ladder and security cage of G.S.T. No. 1 and G.S.T. No 2. Blasting and recoating the roof handrail of G.S.T. No. 1 and G.S.T. No. 2. Blasting and recoating G.S.T. No. 1 and GST No. 2 associated piping & valves including but not limited to drain line, interconnect line, equalizer line, water well fill line, surface water fill line, and header & suction lines. Blasting and recoating gooseneck type roof vent of G.S.T. No. 1 and G.S.T. No. 2. Pressure washing and recoating generator enclosure. Providing roof surface walkway area for G.S.T. No. 1 and G.S.T. No. 2. Disinfection G.S.T. No. 1 and G.S.T. No. 2. Blasting and recoating of Booster Pump No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 & No. 4, including associated suction & discharge piping, valves, and all appurtenances. Wire brush cleaning and recoating of Booster Pump Motor No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 & No. 4. Blasting and recoating interior and exterior of Hydropneumatic Tank No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3. Blasting and recoating well discharge head, including associated well discharge header piping, valves, and all appurtenances. Wire brush cleaning and recoating of Well Motor. 18. And all else specified and shown in the contract documents. Bid Opening: Anyone whishing to attend the bid opening may do so by accessing the schedluled virtual meeting via the link below: Click here to join the meeting Bid Details Notes have changed from The bid opening is open to the public by video conference only. Any person wishing to attend the bid opening must contact the Sander Engineering office at (713) 784-4830 and further instructions will be provided. to The bid opening is open to the public by video conference only. Anyone wishing to attend the bid opening may do so by accessing the scheduled virtual meeting using the following link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_N2YxMzk4NDYtMDFiNC00YWUwLTg0YTgtYWU4YjUwNjNiYzhm%40thread.v2/0context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%225edca735-09b1-4ced-8f91-67032c075478%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22b2e2d4eb-b693-4bbb-8834-e45fa6a88702%22%7d

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Water / Sewer


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To Be Determined, Houston, TX

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