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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Spokane, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; bridge / tunnel; bridge / tunnel; water / sewer project; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

County: Spokane Mark Allen, P.E. Phone: (509)222-2403 Email: Contains Condition of Award Dbe Goal: 20% F.A. No. REP-HLP-TIGERIX-4123(005) on SR 290, MP 11.40 to MP 12.89. Contains Apprentice Utilization REQ : 15% Requires: Earthwork, roadway excavation and embankment, rock excavation, drainage, paving with HMA, illumination, franchise utility relocation and installation, erosion control, seeding, cement concrete curb, sidewalk, pavement markings, permanent signing, prestressed conc bridge, traffic control and other work. 220 Working days. Involves 170 items. 18690 CY rdwy excav incl haul, 1200 LF controlled blast of rock face, 123710 CY common borrow incl haul, 126340 CY embankment compact, 3240 CY aggregate for gravel borrow for ponds incl haul, 4440 CY ditch excav incl haul, 335 LF cement conc gutter, 386 CY quarry spalls, 618 LF duct iron culv pipe 18 & 24 IN. diam, 25 EA catch basin type 1, 923 LF sched A storm sewer pipe 12 IN. diam, 678 LF solid wall PVC storm sewer pipe 12 IN. diam, 684 SY construct geotextile for perm erosion cntrl, 534 LF ductile iron pipe for water main 12 IN. diam, 1200 SF shoring extra excav trench, 200 LF well decommission, 1449 CY struct excav CL A incl haul, 1668 CY gravel backfill for wall, 87210 LB st rebar for bridge, 48060 LB st rebar for retaining wall, 447 CY conc CL 4000 for bridge, 727 CY conc CL 4000 for retaining wall, 889 LF br rail, 301 LF traffic barrier, 301 LF pedestrian barrier, 1147 LF prestressed conc. girder, 345 SY bridge approach slab, 23260 T CSBC, 2747 SY text & pigment cement conc, 980 SY planing bit pvmt, 770 T HMA CL 3/8 IN. PG 64H-28, 9650 T HMA CL 3/8 IN. PG 64V-28, 980 T HMA CL 1/2 IN. PG 64H-28, 2480 LF high vis fence, 6988 LF high vis silt fence, 5 ACRE seed/fert/mulch, 1727 CY bio-infiltration treatment soil mix, 4155 LF roundabout & cement conc. traffic curb & gut, 3044 LF cement conc traffic curb & gutter, 1577 LF beam guardrail, 44 EA tubular mark, 135 EA flex guide post, 11691 LF grooved plastic line, 2544 LF jnt utility trench, 11246 conduit pipe, 193 SF const signs CL A, 3605 SF shoring or extra excav CL B, 918 CY gravel backfill, 25 EA bollard, 817 SY cement conc sidewalk, 584 SY cement conc driveway entrance, 8 EA cement conc curb ramp,192 SF detect warning surface, 670 LF cable fence, 144 LF temp chain link fence, 1198 LF pedestrian handrail, 800 HR training. Contains Minimum Required Bid Type B Progress Sch: $10,000 Lump Sum Bids for: PRV vault complete, shoring or extra excav CL A, bridge supported utilities, superstructure, perm signing, cantilever sign structures, illum sys, temp traffic cntrl, structure survey, roadway survey, ADA survey, SPCC plan. Superstructure Includes: 394 Cy Conc Cl 4000d, 188 Cy Conc Cl 4000, 119515 Lb Epoxy-coated St Rebar, 13760 Lb St Rebar, 10 Ea Elastomeric Bearing Pads, 20 Ea Elastomeric Girder Stop Pads, 48 Ea Conc Inserts for Utility Hangers, 3 Cy Bridge Deck Test Slab. WSDOT - SR 290, Barker Road BNSF Grade Separation Spokane County


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

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WA-290, Spokane, WA

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