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Published March 24, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Hartford, Connecticut. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

**As of March 24, 2022, bids were cancelled. No definite date for the rebid.** Project consists of the renovation of bathrooms as noted; 12 bathrooms at Sedgwick Middle School, 2 bathrooms at Hall High School and 2 bathrooms at Conard High School. This work scheduled is to bring these bathrooms up to current ADA accessibility code and upgrade toilet fixtures, light fixtures and finishes within these spaces. Substantial completion by August 19,2022 Final Completion, by August 26,2022 locations- CONARD HIGH SCHOOL - 110 Beechwood Rd West Hartford, CT 06107, USA HALL HIGH SCHOOL- 975 N Main St West Hartford, CT 06117, USA Sedgwick-212 Sedgwick Rd; *Due to COVID19, the Town Hall has restricted entry. For this bid, we are allowing for electronic submission along with hard copy submission. All participants must submit both. Hard copy bid forms must match electronic submission, the Town maintains the right to reject any bid that does not meet this criteria. Hard copies bid forms are to be received in the purchasing office no later than 12:00 noon on December 3, 2021. They can be mailed or delivered. If delivered, the Town Hall has a number posted at its entry to call for receipt. The Town of West Hartford has determined this project meets the criteria for participation in the State of Connecticut's Prequalification. The Contractor shall hold a current "DAS Contractor Prequalification Certificate" (not a predetermination letter) from the Department of Administrative Services of the State of Connecticut according to C.G.S. 4a-100. Bidders shall submit with their bids, unless noted otherwise, a "DAS Contractor Prequalification Certificate" along with a current "Update (bid) Statement". Failure to submit these items with the bid will result in disqualification of the bidder per C.G.S. 4a-100. If you have any questions regarding these requirements contact the State of CT, DAS, at telephone number 860-713-5280 or visit their web site at www.das.state.ct.us. In conjunction, contractor must complete and submit with their State Prequalification documents, the Town of West Hartford's Supplement, section 204-10 executed. The contractor who is selected to perform this State project must comply with CONN. GEN. STAT. 4a-60, 4a-60a, 4a-60g, and 46a-68b through 46a-68f, inclusive, as amended by June 2015 Special Session Public Act 15-5. An Affirmative Action Plan must be filed with and approved by the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities prior to the commencement of construction. State law requires a minimum of twenty-five (25%) percent of the state-funded portion of the contract for award to subcontractors holding current certification from the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services ("DAS") under the provisions of CONN. GEN. STAT. 4a-60g, as amended. (25% of the work with DAS certified Small and Minority owned businesses and 25% of that work with DAS certified Minority, Women and/or Disabled owned businesses.) The contractor must demonstrate good faith effort to meet the 25% set-aside goals. All Bidders must file with their bid a bid bond, certified or treasurer's check in the amount of 10% of the total of the base bid made payable to the Town of West Hartford. Performance and Labor and Material Payment bonds in the amount of 100% of the contract price will be required of the successful bidder if the contract pursuant to this request for bids exceeds $50,000.00. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days after the opening of bids without the approval and written consent of the Town of West Hartford. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids, to waive any informality in the bidding and to make awards in any manner that is the most beneficial to the Town. Bidders are encouraged to attend* the town's bid opening at which time the public is afforded an opportunity to record bid prices received in response to the town's solicitation. We will endeavor to post the bid results on the website.

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Multiple Locations, Hartford, CT

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