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Published October 11, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Scarborough, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Alterations for lease hold improvement to a new branch location in the Bridlewood Mall. The Bridlewood branch will be relocated and expanded from the existing location on the lower level of the mall to a 20,000 square foot space on the upper level of the mall. The new leased area is Unit 230 at 2900 Warden Avenue and is a portion of the current Price Chopper grocery store. The balance of the grocery store area (33,000 square feet) will be leased to the City of Toronto for a new Employment and Social Services (TESS) site. The TESS site is not included in the Scope of Work or award for this RFP. Please note that there is a potential that the Bridlewood branch will increase in size, based on shared space with the TESS space. The Preferred Proponent may be required to coordinate with TESS and their consultants. However, the potential size increase is unknown at this time and Proponents are to base their Proposal submission on 20,000 square feet of library space. The existing Bridlewood branch will remain open for the duration of the construction. The branch closure will be limited to the time required for relocation and set-up. The relocation and set-up phase will commence once the library receives the Occupancy Permit from the City for the new leased area. TIMELINE: The owner issued a Request For Proposals from Architectural Services for alterations for to existing space at Bridlewood Mall for creation of a new library space in November 2020 which was not awarded. N The Preferred Proponent will provide Architectural Services for complete design and construction contract administration. It is undetermined if the RFP will be reissued. Coverage of this report is discontinued.

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Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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December 1, 2022


2900 Warden Ave, Scarborough, ON

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