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Published March 3, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Renovation of a detention facility in Kuna, Idaho. Completed plans call for the renovation of a detention facility.
Questions that result from this RFQ should be addressed to: Gary Groff, Project Manager Division of Public Works 502 N. 4th St. P O Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0072 (208) 332-1919 Program clarifications shall be directed to Gary Groff at If needed, a final addendum will be issued seven (7) days prior to the date of submission of the Proposals. Only answers contained in the formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations of clarifications will be without legal effect. The project will be funded by State funds. The Division of Public Works will administer the project according to the terms and conditions of the award and State laws and guidelines. The DesignBuild Team will receive general instructions through the State. A Project Manager with the Division of Public Works will be assigned to serve as project manager and liaison between the Department of Administration, the Agency, and the Design-Build Team during the Design Phase. A Field Representative with the Division of Public Works will be assigned to serve during the construction phase. The decommissioning of the Steam Plant at ISCI started in FY 14 DPW project 14062. The final phase of the program is to remove the Steam Line system from Unit 7. This project would remove the old main steam air and water heating system: install a new gas heating and cooling system as well as a new hot water system in Unit 7. The work would also include updating the computerized direct digital controls and require other plumbing repairs to properly upgrade the system. Unit 7 will be occupied during the entire project and as such temperatures must always be maintained (temporary heat or air conditioning). In addition to Unit 7 at ISCI the Idaho department of Correction wants to include the addition of an HVAC system at the steam plant and decommissioning the steam plant at ISCI. The State is requesting submittals for complete Design and Construction services including observation during construction. The Design-Build Team will be responsible for the Design Phase (Programing, Schematic Design, Design Development, and Construction Documents) with cost estimates at each phase, and the Construction Phase (Construction Documents/Bidding and Construction). All work shall be in accordance with the newly adopted building codes. All required building survey work shall be the responsibility of the Design-Build Team. A project budget of $1,081,000 has been established to include design fees, reimbursables, construction costs, contingencies, and any required tests. A complete construction cost estimate will be required at the conclusion of the Design Phase for final approval. This estimate when approved will become the Maximum Contract Price. The Design-Build Team must employ a Design Professional that is licensed to practice engineering as required for the Scope of Work in the State of Idaho. Also, the Construction Team member must have an Idaho Public Works License as required for the type of work being performed. The Design-Build Team will be required to obtain any required permits from the Idaho Division of Building Safety (DBS). The Design Build Team must have a minimum of 5 years of experience in the Design, Repair, and Installation of HVAC Systems. A Project Manual will be required at the completion of the Design Phase. The Project Manual must include products, equipment, sensors, electronics, direct digital controls, and other part cut sheets. Immediately following notification of selection, the Design-Build Team will be required to develop a project schedule showing the design and construction durations along with the project's substantial completion. The Design-Build Team will assist the owner in the evaluation of the schedule. A relatively complete construction schedule and schedule of values will be required at the completion of the Design Phase and must be kept up to date monthly throughout the construction phase. The Design-Build Team shall make a minimum of one (1) presentation to the Permanent Building Fund Advisory Council (PBFAC) at the end of Design Development and shall keep in mind that during all phases of work, code compliance, energy efficiency, and building maintenance concerns should be incorporated into the project. During Design, the Design-Build Team will be required to meet every two weeks reporting on progress to IDOC and DPW. Such weekly meetings will show funds expended in the completion of the project and specific accomplishments related to the project. During construction, the progress meetings will be monthly with the Design-Build team. Also, the Construction Team will meet every two weeks with IDOC and DPW to review ongoing field work. The Design-Build Team Members that will be accessing the IDOC facilities must undergo and pass background security clearance checks. At the end of this RFQ is a weblink to original unit 7 drawings. A written Program/Pre-Design report to the Division of Public Works and Agency at the conclusion of Programming. A Design Report and update to the Owner, Agency and the PBFAC, after Design Development phase has been completed, to include complete construction estimate, construction schedule, and a schedule of values. A Design Report at the end of Construction Documents that includes an updated design and construction cost estimate, finalized construction schedule, and final schedule of values. A final report at the conclusion of the Construction Phase to the Owner and Agency to include complete as-built documents, electronic files, O&M Manuals and other Close Out information. Basic Qualifications: Provide basic data (both Engineer and Contractor if separate firms), relative to firm's size, history, personnel, special expertise, and general credits. Individual resumes, awards, associations, etc., may be included. Office brochures may be submitted separately as supplemental data. Include contact information (Name, address, phone numbers, email address) for a single entity for the Design-Build Team that will be the point of contact during the selection process. The Division of Public Works reserves the right to investigate and confirm the candidate's financial responsibility. This may include financial statements, bank references and interviews with past consultants, employees, and creditors. Unfavorable responses to these investigations are grounds for rejection of proposal Specific Qualifications: List the team (Contractor/Sub-contractors, Design Professionals, etc.) expected to accomplish this project. Describe who will perform the various tasks, the amount of their involvement and responsibilities, and give their qualifications. Provide a list of at least three (3) projects, with brief descriptions, including the dates the work was performed, which show ability to complete projects of this scope. Approach to Project: Include a statement of your team's approach to this specific project, including an understanding of the project, alternative concepts, and methods for consideration, as well as concepts for construction staging. Limit to two pages. Examples of Work: Renderings, photographs, preliminary drawings, may be submitted as examples of your work. For Contractors and/or Engineers who have done work for the Division of Public Works in the past three years, a reference to the project or projects will be enough in lieu of examples. Include specific information regarding work completed as a "Team". Format: To assist in evaluation, it is desirable to format the submittal similar to the headings listed above. The submittal should be clear and performance on past projects with the State of Idaho and other clients is a highly important factor. Submit five (5) copies of the submittal and one each of other data, i.e. examples of work. Include one USB drive containing a PDF of the submittal. In your RFQ cover letter, include the email address of the team's primary contact person; failure to provide this information may result in the proposal being unresponsive. Past Performance: Submit reference letters from prior clients or client representatives. Letters from projects listed in item B are preferable. In addition, past performance comments may be obtained from DPW and Agency staff. Make specific reference to past performance of the "Team". Special Requirements: Provide information regarding specific involvement with this project or a special expertise in this type of project. An evaluation committee consisting of persons from the Division of Public Works, the Agency, and an independent architect/engineer/contractor will rank the submittals, and at least three (3), but not more than five (5) firms may be selected for interviews. After interviewing the selected candidates, the evaluation committee will re-rank the firms to determine the final point score. Receive Submittals January 7, 2021 Oral Interviews January 21,2021 Review by PBFAC February 2, 2021 Negotiate Contract February 2021 PBFAC Design presentation June 2021 Substantial Completion To be Determined The State will attempt to select a firm at the next scheduled Permanent Building Fund Advisory Council meeting. Upon selection of a firm, the State will issue a letter of intent. However, final award is contingent upon the successful negotiation of an Agreement. The contents of the submittal may be used in a legal contract or agreement. Candidates should be aware that methods and procedures proposed could become contractual obligations. The successful firm will be required to sign a Design-Build Agreement with the State's standard terms, including a requirement to carry and maintain a minimum of $1,000,000 professional liability insurance coverage, except in special circumstances. A copy of the Design-Build Agreement can be found on the below weblinks. The State reserves the right to reject any or all submittals received as a result of this request. The State may also negotiate separately with any source in any manner necessary to serve the best interests of the State of Idaho. Awards will be made on the basis of submittals resulting from this request and subsequent interviews. Design-Build Teams must have design professionals licensed by the State of Idaho and the constructors must have an Idaho Public Works Contractor's License to submit on this project. Per owner: HVAC Upgrade Unit 7, Heat Plant/Shops was awarded to a Design-Build Team of YMC / Cushing Terrell.
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