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Published June 7, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Hamilton, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This Request for Supplier Qualifications ("RFSQ") is an invitation by Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation ("HHSC") to prospective respondents to qualify in accordance with Evaluation of Responses (Part 2) for eligibility to provide General, Demolition, Mechanical, and Electrical Contractor Services as further described in Section A of the RFSQ Particulars (Appendix C) (the "Deliverables"). It is intent of HHSC to develop a roster of pre-qualified respondents ("Vendor of Record") which will be utilized as required to meet the needs of the organization. The roster of pre-qualified respondents (VOR) is limited to construction/ renovation/ repair projects not exceeding $2,000,000. The roster of pre-qualified respondents will be organized into the following categories and project value thresholds as illustrated in the table below: Prequalified General Contractors, Demolition, Mechanical and Electrical Contractors in the specified categories are as follows: A.1 PREQUALIFIED General Contractors ($25,000 up to but not including $100,000): -Dineen Construction; -Ira McDonald Construction Ltd; -Merit Contractors Niagara; -REA Construction; -Scattolon Construction Limited; -Spectre Construction & Management Inc. A.2 PREQUALIFIED General Contractors ($100,000 up to but not including $750,000): -Chart Construction Management Inc; -Dineen Construction; -Gen-eer Construction; -Ira McDonald Construction; -Merit Contractors Niagara; -Newgen Construction; -Scattolon Construction Limited. A.3 PREQUALIFIED General Contractors ($750,000 up to but not including $2,000,000): -Chart Construction Management Inc; -Dineen Construction; -Gen-eer Construction; -Harbridge and Cross; -Merit Contractors Niagara; -Newgen Construction. B.1 PREQUALIFIED Demolition Contractors ($25,000 up to but not including $100,000): -Budget Environmental Disposal Inc; -Highpoint Environmental Services Inc; -Tri-Phase Group. B.2 PREQUALIFIED Demolition Contractors ($100,000 up to but not including $750,000): -Budget Environmental Disposal Inc.; -GFL Infrastructure Group Inc.; -Highpoint Environmental Services Inc.; -Tri-Phase Group. B.3 PREQUALIFIED Demolition Contractors ($750,000 up to but not including $2,000,000): -Budget Environmental Disposal Inc.; -GFL Infrastructure Group Inc.; -Highpoint Environmental Services Inc.; -Tri-Phase Group. C.1 PREQUALIFIED Mechanical Contractors ($25,000 up to but not including $100,000): -Besseling Mechanical Inc.; -BML Multi Trades Group Ltd.; -LJ Barton Mechanical Ltd; -Mattina Mechanical Ltd; -Modern Niagara Toronto Inc.; -Velocity Mechanical Inc. C.2 PREQUALIFIED Mechanical Contractors ($100,000 up to but not including $750,000): -Besseling Mechanical Inc; -E.S. Fox Ltd; -LJ Barton Mechanical Ltd; -Mattina Mechanical Ltd.; -Modern Niagara Toronto Inc.; -Velocity Mechanical Inc. C.3 PREQUALIFIED Mechanical Contractors ($750,000 up to but not including $2,000,000): -Besseling Mechanical Inc.; -E.S. Fox Ltd.; -LJ Barton Mechanical Ltd; -Mattina Mechanical Ltd; -Superior Boiler Works and Welding Ltd.; -Velocity Mechanical Inc. D.1 PREQUALIFIED Electrical Contractors ($25,000 up to but not including $100,000): -BML Multi Trades Group Ltd.; -Cahill Electric Inc.; -Clairmont Electric; -Kraun Electric Inc.; -LJ Barton Mechanical; -Modern Niagara Toronto Inc.; -T. Lloyd Electric Ontario Ltd. D.2 PREQUALIFIED Electrical Contractors ($100,000 up to but not including $750,000): -Cahill Electric Inc.; -Clairmont Electric; -Kraun Electric Inc.; -LJ Barton Mechanical; -Modern Niagara Toronto Inc.; -T. Lloyd Electric Ontario Ltd. D.3 PREQUALIFIED Electrical Contractors ($750,000 up to but not including $2,000,000): -Cahill Electric Inc.; -Clairmont Electric; -Kraun Electric Inc.; -Modern Niagara Toronto Inc.; -Sutherland Schultz Limited; -T. Lloyd Electric Ontario Ltd.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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