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Published September 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and new construction of a parking garage in Levittown, Pennsylvania. Design plans call for the demolition of a parking garage; for the construction of a parking garage; and for site work for a parking garage.

The garage at the Department of Public Works dates back to the 1950s and is not suited for modern equipment and the storage of many vehicles. There are many interior walls that confine the space. As a result, many trucks and heavy equipment has to sit outside and deteriorate more quickly due to exposure to the elements. It is recommended that the building be demolished and replaced with a pole barn structure that will be better suited for the free-flowing storage of multiple large vehicles. Along with this reconstruction, the equipment used to make salt brine applied to roads during the winter to prevent icing will be relocated closer to the existing salt barn to improve efficiency. The project is expected to have a significant positive impact on future capital purchases by slowing the replacement of vehicles and equipment in the Department of Public Works, and improving staff efficiency by streamlining the brine-making process and shuffling of vehicles. This project will be funded by proceeds from the 2020 general obligation bond. As of September 28, 2022, a design engineer has been selected. No firm timeline has been established for the construction.


Parking Garage


Public - City

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November 7, 2022


700 Veteran Hwy, Levittown, PA

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