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Published March 30, 2021 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Renovation of a medical facility in Rusk, Texas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.
The Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC or Owner) is soliciting proposals (Proposals) for the selection of a Construction Manager-at-Risk (CMR) to provide the following services: (i) pre-construction services, such as constructability guidance, cost estimates, site evaluations, and construction schedules; (ii) upon completion of the design development phase, provide a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) at the election of HHSC; and (iii) perform complete construction services consistent with the construction manager-at-risk delivery process described in the attached draft contract between Owner and Construction Manager-at-Risk for Project No. 20-046-RSH, Central Kitchen and Buildings 511 and 512 Buildings Renovation Project Rusk State Hospital (the Project). HHSC is soliciting CMR services under Texas Government Code Chapter 2269, Subchapter F, Construction Manager-at-Risk Method. Project Description: Construction Manager-At-Risk shall perform and coordinate all pre-construction and construction services for the following Project as a single package or in multiple packages as determined during the Pre-construction phase: Kitchen Renovation: Renovation of the existing Central Kitchen located in Buildings 519 and 520 will consist of upgrading the electrical service to the buildings, by conducting a load study for the two buildings and providing a design to upgrade the electrical system for the buildings as required. The disconnect switches are obsolete. Installation of a new distribution switch gear is needed to properly distribute the loads as required. Replacement of existing motor disconnect switches/starters and addition of new disconnects as required. The existing electrical panels in both buildings need to be replaced. The current plumbing is antiquated, rusted and in need of replacement which could include the replacement of all existing plumbing fixtures in both buildings. Architectural work includes replacing all existing steel framed windows throughout both buildings, replacing existing ceilings, replacing existing flooring, installing a new drain system including a new grease trap and well, replacing all existing appliances & tables, removing all lead-based paint, abating all asbestos and upgrading existing toilets to meet ADA compliance. Mechanical work includes moving the existing compressors closer to the freezer vault to extend the life of the compressors, replacing the existing insulation for the chillers and chill water piping and covering the Air Handler room insulation with metal sheeting. This Renovation work will need to be phased and coordinated to allow the Central Kitchen to continue to function during construction. Alternate locations for kitchen prep of food will be provided throughout construction. Buildings 511 and 512 Renovations: Building 511 renovations will consist of upgrading the existing Toilet and Shower Room to meet ADA compliance. The Geriatric group of patients will be moving into Building 511 and each toilet and shower stall will need to be accessible. There are approximately three existing toilets and two existing showers located in Rooms 109 and 110 on the first floor. We will also be installing a new exterior domestic Hot Water system in Building 511 to meet the high demand of hot water needed for Client usage. The hot water system that we plan to install is very similar to the existing system at Building 605. The heaters will be mounted on the east side of Building 511 and connected and configured to the current domestic hot water supply in Building 511. Defective valves in the current system will be removed and replaced. Exterior pipes shall be insulated and metal protection provided around them. Interior pipes shall be insulated. All materials must have documentation stating asbestos free and lead free. Building 512 renovation will consist of replacing an existing 248.6 ton Chiller located in the Basement. The current chiller serves Buildings 512 and 563. The Chiller is nearing the end its useful life cycle and needs to be replaced. The existing Chiller is water cooled via a cooling tower located to the South of Building 512. The Facilities Maintenance Staff prefers the chiller system to be replaced with a new air-cooled chiller to eliminate the cooling tower equipment and to reduce maintenance. A study will need to be performed for review providing a comparison between an air cooled and water-cooled chiller option. Upon review of this study the best system will be chosen by the Rusk Facilities Maintenance Staff. The selection of the chiller will need to include multiple compressors to prevent the loss of a single compressor which could cause the loss of all chilled water. In lieu of a personal site visit, Respondent must carefully review Exhibits I1, I2 and I3, Project Site Conditions Photobooks and Preliminary Site Information consisting of PowerPoints and drawing information of the site conditions as visual aids to assist in determining the costs for the Project. PHASE ONE: Collaborate with HHSC and its architects and engineers (A/E), Curry Boudreaux Architects, during the drafting and completion of the Construction Documents. The Respondents expertise will be used to affect value engineering, establish a project schedule, and ultimately determine the Guaranteed Maximum Price. The services include, but are not limited to, attendance at meetings, and consultation regarding plan reviews, constructability reviews, and cost estimating. PHASE TWO: In accordance with the approved schedule and GMP, Contractor shall facilitate bidding and selection of subcontractors in compliance with HUB requirements, and provide and/or secure and install all materials, labor, coordination, management and supervisory activities necessary to complete construction of the Project in accordance with the drawings, specifications and other contract documents that will be prepared by the A/E and HHSC. COST OF WORK: Respondents should consider the Cost of Work to be $3,890,117. The Cost of Work does not include any Pre-construction Management fees, Construction Management fees, and Construction General Conditions, as part of the construction budget or the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP).The Texas Department of State Health Services has determined that COVID- 19 represents apublic health disaster within the meaning of Chapter 81 of the Texas Health and Safety Code; the suspension of site visits at this time is a necessary precaution to reduce the transmission ofCOVID-19 and to protect patients, residents, contractors, and employees at the respective facility; therefore, until further notice, personal review site visits at the facility will not be conducted, and referencesto site visits should be disregarded unless you are notified otherwise.In lieu of the personal site visit, Respondent must carefully review Exhibits I1, I2 and I3. These Exhibits consists of PowerPoints and drawings of the site conditions as visual aids to assist the Respondent in determining costs for the Project.
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