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Published January 22, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Independence, Iowa. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The general nature of the improvement consists of four individual project locations where conservation practices (oxbows and ponds) will be constructed in accordance with Iowa NRCS Standard Specifications and the project special specifications. The projects will be constructed on agricultural or municipal land within the Upper Wapsipinicon River Watershed located in Buchanan County, Iowa as part of the Iowa Watershed Approach. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to: mobilization, site preparation, topsoiling, core trench excavation, embankment construction, corrugated metal pipe procurement and installations, rock rip-rap procurement and installation, tile investigation, removal, and installation and seeding, mulching and fertilizing. The four projects will be split into two separate bid schedules as shown in Section 7 (Proposal Form). Each Bid schedule will have its own separate contract. Each contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for each bid schedule. It is possible that the two contracts could be awarded to two different contractors or both could be awarded to the same contractor if they are the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for both bid schedules. Please note that the ShiveHattery office is closed to the public due to COVID-19, however bids may be dropped off in person outside of the office front door. Please call 515-223-8104 when you arrive, and someone will come outside to receive your bid envelope. The engineer's opinion of probable cost for Bid Schedule 1 projects is approximately $107,000 and The engineer's opinion of probable cost for Bid Schedule 2 project is approximately $205,000. Each bidder shall accompany its bid with bid security, as security that the successful bidder will enter into a contract for the work bid upon and will furnish after the award of contract a corporate surety bond, in a form acceptable to the Jurisdiction, for the faithful performance of the contract, in an amount equal to 100% of the amount of the contract. The bid security must be in the minimum amount of 5% of the total bid. A single form of bid security in the amount of 5% of the sum of Bid Schedule 1 and Bid Schedule 2 shall be provided. Questions or clarification regarding the project should be received in writing by 5:00 P.M. on January 8, 2021 and should be emailed to: Dan Jensen, PE Shive-Hattery, Inc. Email: djensen@shive-hattery.com Or in writing to: Shive-Hattery, Inc. Attn: Dan Jensen 4125 Westown Parkway, Suite 100 West Des Moines, IA 50266. A construction schedule shall be submitted to the engineer within 30 days of approval of the contract by Howard County, and be substantially completed by November 30, 2021. Should the contractor fail to complete the work in this timeframe, liquidated damages of $250.00 per calendar day may be assessed for work not completed within the designated contract term. Bid Result UW-010-SHANNON Dan Oberbreckling Concrete & Excavation $24,640 UW-012-WOLFE Kueter Equipment Company $17,625 UW-027-Osborn Dan Oberbreckling Concrete & Excavation $60,085 UW-016-CEDAR ROCK Cole Excavating $198,984

Bid Results

Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work





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To Be Determined, Independence, IA

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