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Published February 2, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and new construction of a bridge / tunnel in Duluth, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

Bridge Construction 0.15 Miles Major items of work are: Mobilization, lump sum 1.00; field office type d, each 1.00; maint & restoration of haul roads, lump sum 1.00; clearing & grubbing, lump sum 1.00; geotextile fabric type 5, sq yd 2,920.00; muck excavation(p), cu yd 2,096.00; dewatering, lump sum 1.00; excavation - common(p), cu yd 852.00; granular embankment (cv)(p), cu yd 2,246.00; select granular embankment mod 7% (cv)(p), cu yd 875.00; aggregate surfacing (cv) class 5(p), cu yd 680.00; bituminous material for shoulder tack, gallon 25.00; type p-2 (tl-4) barrier concrete (3s52)(p), lin ft 187.00; structural concrete (3b52)(p), cu yd 53.00; reinforcement bars (epoxy coated)(p), pound 21,070.00; reinforcement bars (stainless-75ksi)(p), pound 320.00; structure excavation, lump sum 1.00; slope preparation, lump sum 1.00; bridge slab concrete (3yhpc-m)(p), sq ft 2,254.00; floor drain type b706 modified, each 2.00; elastomeric bearing pad type 1, each 10.00; structural tube railing design t-1(p), lin ft 174.00; prestressed concrete beams 27m(p), lin ft 355.00; bridge approach panels(p), sq yd 135.00; remove existing bridge, lump sum 1.00; steel h-test pile 70 ft long 10", each 2.00; pile tip protection 10", each 14.00; steel h-piling 10", lin ft 720.00; drainage system type (b910), lump sum 1.00; geotextile filter type 7, sq yd 390.00; random riprap class iii, cu yd 210.00; end treatment-tangent terminal, each 4.00; traffic barrier design special, lin ft 100.00; traffic barrier design b8338, lin ft 200.00; traffic control, lump sum 1.00; install sign panel type c, each 4.00; erosion control supervisor, lump sum 1.00; silt fence; type hi, lin ft 1,480.00; flotation silt curtain type moving water, lin ft 220.00; sediment control log type wood fiber, lin ft 24.00; common topsoil borrow, cu yd 204.00; fertilizer type 3, pound 186.00; erosion control blankets category 3n, sq yd 2,545.00; seeding, acre 0.53; seed mixture 25-141, pound 32.00; rapid stabilization method 3, m gallon 6.36; Minimum wage rates to be paid by the contractor have been predetermined and are subject to the Work Hours Act of 1962, P.L. 87-581. Those which apply to this project are set forth in the proposal for this project. Electronic bids must be accompanied by a corporate surety bond in an amount which is at least equal to 5% of the total amount, and may be submitted electronically COUNTY PROJ. NO. 0059-366241 STATE AID PROJ. NO. 069-659-003


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

New Construction, Paving, Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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C.S.A.H. 2, Duluth, MN

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