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Site work and new construction of an educational facility in Las Vegas, Nevada. Completed plans call for the construction of a 112,523-square-foot educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

**As of 3/2/2021 project was not yet been awarded. Anticipated award date is with in March. UNLV has a requirement for Constructing 5 IDF Rooms in the UNLV MPE Complex to enhance building infrastructures. Question February 1, 2021, 5:00 PM ET Bids must be accompanied by a bid bond, certified check, or cashier's check in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid amount Completion- within __98___ days of the Notice to Proceed; Alternate 1 - Electrical contractor to pull mule tape through conduit from IDF 307A to IDF 317A. Should the conduit be obstructed the GC shall provide an add alternate as part of their contract for additional above ceiling conduit from IDF 307A and IDF 317A to new 18" wire basket tray to be located in corridor 300h in front of IDF 307A. The cable tray is to extend to the north end of corridor 300H to provide an alternate route for the fiber optic cable run. See sheet A100 and electrical for additional information. Alternate 2 - Electrical contractor to pull mule tape through conduits from the OIT vault to IDF 139 and 307A. Should the conduit between the OIT vault and IDF 307A be obstructed the GC shall provide an add alternate as part of their contract for additional above ceiling conduit from IDF 139 and IDF 317A to a new 18" wire basket tray located along the entire length of corridor 300H to provide an alternate route for the fiber optic cable run. See sheet A100 and electrical for additional information. Alternate 3 - Provide trenching and conduit between MPE 601A and 317A, existing pull box between IDF room 601A and MPE 317. Electrical contractor to pull mule tape through conduit to verify an unobstructed pathway for additional fiber optic cable per electrical. GC shall provide an add alternate as part of their contract for additional conduit and trenching should the existing conduit be found to be unusable due to breakage, debris, etc.




Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Site Work





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4505 S Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV

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