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Published November 11, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Southfield, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 700-square-foot fire / police facility.

The City of Southfield is soliciting bids from qualified companies to renovate the Police locker. In general, the project consists of finalizing the design and building out the project area. The successful company will be required to enter into a contract and provide bonds and insurance acceptable to the City. Copies of these requirements have been provided for review. All bidders must include a bid bond in the amount of 5% of the total bid amount with their response.All inspections must be completed no later than January 27, 2021. Proposals will not be accepted from companies that have not inspected the work site. - Bid Deposit Required - Insurance Required - Contractors License Required - Installation Required - Security Badges Questions are submitted online No Questions must be received no later than 5:00 PM on January 29, 2021 and be sent to purchasingdepart@cityofsouthfield.com. Place the name of the bid request in the subject line of the email. The project area is located at the Police Department building on the Municipal Campus, 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield, MI and consists of an existing locker room to be combined with an existing small office area. The total project area is approximately 700 square feet. The conceptual drawing attached is intended to convey the general look of the finished project. The total budget for this project is approximately $140,000 for all design, materials, and trades work. The project area is a limited access, secured, 24 x 7 x 365 operation environment. All work must be scheduled, performed and staged in a manner that will provide the least amount of disruption to operations. The contractor will have access to the project area between the hours of 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM. The selected Design/Build contractor will provide final design and construction services for the entire project. Responsibilities will include coordinating and permitting of all site features specified with applicable regulatory agencies. At a minimum, the project will include the following: . Sealed drawings for building permit and construction; . Site demolition and site prep work; . Install new plumbing and electrical infrastructure and fixtures; . Install HVAC upgrades as necessary to accommodate new lavatory area; . Wiring for telephone and PA system; . Ceiling and drywall installation as well as painting; 5.7. New flooring; . Provide and install new lockers (27) brand specific; . Provide and install new door; . Provide finishes that are commercial grade material. The contractor shall: Provide adequate personnel, trained in all aspects of the work they will perform. Provide a project supervisor that will function as the single point of contact for the City throughout this project. Take all necessary measures to prevent damage to other areas of the building adjacent to the project area. If damage occurs as a result of the contractor's work, the contractor is responsible for the repair and/or replacement of the damaged area to the satisfaction of the City of Southfield. Clean up the work area on a daily basis to remove debris from the day's work. At the completion of the work, the contractor shall remove all equipment, surplus material, rubbish, and debris, etc. from the premises. All surfaces involved in the project shall be cleaned and made ready for use


Fire / Police


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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26000 Evergreen Rd, Southfield, MI

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