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Published December 16, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a laboratory facility in Cincinnati, Ohio. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 35,000-square-foot laboratory facility.

This project will be completed in the summer of 2022 and be ready for occupancy for the Fall Semester. The University of Cincinnati is in the process of receiving back the currently leased Hamilton County Coroners Building property as the County's new facility in Blue Ash comes online in 2021. The existing building and property located at 3159 Eden Avenue Clifton is strategically located in the heart of the University of Cincinnati Medical/East uptown campus. It is the University's intent to modestly renovate and use the facility as a Biomedical Sciences research facility and to utilize the estimated ten to fifteen-year life cycle left in its current arrangement as much as possible. The building is approximately 35,000 GSF and consists of a lower level, main entrance/first floor level, and a second floor. Professional design services are being acquired by the Contracting Authority under a separate contract. The Program of Requirements ("POR") will be developed as a part of this project by the Architect/Engineer ("A/E"). All aspects of the project and related issues will be implemented and operated consistent with the Contracting Authority and/or Owner's policies and procedures. The selected Construction Manager at Risk ("CM"), as a portion of its required Scope of Services and prior to submitting its proposal, will discuss and clarify with the Contracting Authority and/or Owner, the breakdown of the Agreement detailed cost components, to address the Owner's project requirements and refine the project schedule. As required by the Agreement, and as properly authorized, provide the following categories of services: provide constructability review comments on documents produced by the A/E during the Schematic Design, Design Development, and Construction Document stages; develop and maintain estimates of probable construction cost, value engineering, project schedules, and construction schedules; lead and manage the Subcontractor Prequalification and Bidding process, Construction and Closeout Stage. Construction Cost: $8,000,000 Total Project Cost: $11,500,000 State Funding: $0 Selection of CM March 26, 2021 The University of Cincinnati is requesting qualifications to provide Construction Manager at Risk services for the former Hamilton County Coroners Building at the University of Cincinnati Medical/East Campus. The anticipated start date for Preconstruction Services is March 2021, the anticipated start date for Construction is mid-May 2021 with completion in July 2022. The University of Cincinnati is in the process of receiving back the currently leased Hamilton County Coroners Building property as the County's new facility in Blue Ash comes online in 2021. The existing building and property located at 3159 Eden Avenue Clifton is strategically located in the heart of the University of Cincinnati Medical/East uptown campus. It is the University's intent to modestly renovate and use the facility as a Biomedical Sciences research facility and to utilize the estimated ten to fifteen-year life cycle left in its current arrangement as much as possible. The building is approximately 35,000 GSF and consists of a lower level, main entrance/first floor level, and a second floor. Professional design services are being acquired by the Contracting Authority under a separate contract. The Program of Requirements ("POR") will be developed as a part of this project by the Architect/Engineer ("A/E"). All aspects of the project and related issues will be implemented and operated consistent with the Contracting Authority and/or Owner's policies and procedures. Shortlist Confirmed.

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