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Published August 16, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and addition to an educational facility in Victoriaville, Quebec. Completed plans call for the addition of a 13,000-square-foot, two-story above grade, eight-room, 208-seat educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

Reference number : 1613647 Review Title : Extension to Sainte-Famille (006) AND Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption (019) schools in Victoriaville. Deadline for receipt of complaints: 2022-06-29 Submission sent electronically accepted: No THE BOIS-FRANCS SCHOOL SERVICE CENTER is requesting bids for the services of a contractor for the expansion of Sainte-Famille (006) and Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption (019) schools in Victoriaville. The project will include the addition of 4 classrooms, a collaborative space, offices, in addition to a cloakroom. The extensions will be erected with a light wood frame. The works will also include mechanical, electrical and civil works. Interested persons must obtain the tender documents through the electronic tendering system ( website or for the Montreal region at 514 856-6600 or for outside toll free at 1 866 669-7326). All tenders must be accompanied by a tender guarantee representing 10% of the total amount of the tender issued to the order of Center de services scolaire des Bois-Francs valid for a period of 45 days excluding all applicable taxes, in the form of a certified cheque, irrevocable letter of guarantee or bid bond issued by a financial institution, failing which the bid will be automatically rejected. This tender guarantee must be exchanged at the signing of the contract for a performance guarantee and a guarantee of obligations for wages, materials and services. The tenderer must consider in determining the price submitted for the execution of the contract that the prices of certain materials and equipment may be subject to adjustment during the performance of the contract. The materials and equipment covered are specified in the document entitled List of materials and equipment that may be subject to a price adjustment request . The procedure for adjusting the price of certain materials and equipment is provided for in the Instructions to tenderers and the General Conditions . Only contractors holding, where applicable, the license required under the Building Act (RSQ, c. B-1.1) will be considered for the award of the contract . Tendering contractors are responsible for the choice of subcontractors, both for their solvency and for the content of their tender. A contractor holding a restricted license issued by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec is not allowed to submit a bid; this ineligibility also applies to the tenderer's subcontractors. For more information, you can contact Ms. Émilie Bouffard, Equipment Coordinator, Material Resources Department ebouffard@csbf.qc.ca or at the following telephone number: 819 758-6453, ext. 822559. The owner does not undertake to accept any of the submissions received.




Public - State/Provincial

Addition, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Victoriaville, QC

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