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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Gretna, Louisiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

All bids submitted are subject to these instructions and general conditions and any special conditions and specifications contained herein, all of which are made part of this bid proposal reference. By submitting a bid, vendor agrees to comply with all provisions of Louisiana Law as well be in compliance with the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances, Louisiana Code of Ethics, applicable Jefferson Parish ethical standards and Jefferson Parish Resolution No. 113646 and/or Resolution No. 113647 as amended. Jefferson Parish adheres to the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics, contained in Louisiana Revised Statutes Annotated, R.S. 42:1101, et seq. Vendor/Proposer by this submission, warrants that there are no "conflicts of interest" related to this procurement that would violate applicable Louisiana Law. Violation of the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics may result in rescission of contract, permit or licenses, and the imposition of fines and/or penalties, without contractual liability to the public in accordance with applicable law. All quotations shall be based on F.O.B. Agency warehouse or job site, anywhere within the Parish as designated by the Purchasing Department. This provision does not apply to public works projects JEFFERSON PARISH requires all products to be new (current) and all work must be performed according to standard practices for the project. Unless otherwise specified, no aftermarket parts will be accepted. Unless otherwise specified, all workmanship and materials must have at least one (1) year guaranty, in writing, from the date of delivery and/or acceptance of the project. Any deviations or alterations from the specifications must be indicated and/or supporting documentation supplied with bid submission. Bidders should submit all questions in writing via email to the buyer's email address as indicated above, no later than Five (5) working days prior to the bid opening. Bid numbers should be mentioned in all requests. If submitting online, vendors may send questions via the E-Procurement site no later than Five (5) working days prior to the bid opening. If this bid requires a pre-bid conference (see Additional Requirements section), bidders are advised that such conference will be held to allow bidders the opportunity to identify any discrepancies in the bid specifications and seek further clarification regarding instructions. The Purchasing Department will issue a written response to bidders' questions in the form of an Addendum. Please note that all official communication will be expressed in the form of an addendum. All formal Addenda require written acknowledgement on the bid form by the bidder. Failure to acknowledge an Addendum on the bid form shall cause the bid to be rejected. JEFFERSON PARISH reserves the right to award bid to next lowest responsive and responsible bidder in this event. JEFFERSON PARISH will accept one price for each item unless otherwise indicated. Two or more prices for one item will result in bid rejection. Bidders are required to complete, sign and return the bid form and/or complete and return the associated line item pricing forms as indicated. Vendors must not alter the bid forms. Doing so will cause the bid to be rejected. A corporate resolution or written evidence of the individual signing the bid having such authority must be submitted with the bid. Failure to comply will cause bid to be rejected. For corporate entities, such written evidence may be a printout of the Louisiana Secretary of State's website listing the signatory as an officer. Such printout shall be included with the bid submission. Bids submitted by Owners or Sole Proprietorships must include certification that he or she owns the entity for which the bid is signed. This documentation must be submitted with the bid. Failure to do so will result in bid rejection. All bid prices shall remain valid for 45 days. Jefferson Parish and the lowest responsive and responsible bidder(s) by mutual written consent may mutually agree to extend the deadline for award by one (1) or more extensions of thirty (30) calendar days. PROTESTS: Only those vendors that submit bids in response to this solicitation may protest any element of the procurement, in writing to the Director of the Purchasing Department. Written protest must be received within 48 hours of the release of the bid tabulation by the Purchasing Department. After consultation, the Parish Attorney's Office will then respond to protests in writing. (For more information, please see Chapter 2, Article VII, Division 2, Sec. 2-914.1 of the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances.) PREFERENCE: Unless federal funding is directly spent by Jefferson Parish for this purchase, preference is hereby given to materials, supplies, and provisions produced, manufactured or grown in Louisiana, quality being equal to articles offered by competitors outside the state. "LSA -- R.S. 38:2251-2261" For good cause and as consideration for executing a contract with Jefferson Parish, vendor conveys, sells, assigns and transfers to Jefferson Parish or its assigns all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of action it may now or hereafter acquire under the antitrust laws of the United States and the State of Louisiana, relating to the particular good or services purchased or acquired by Jefferson Parish. D. PRICES: Jefferson Parish is exempt from paying sales tax under LSA-R.S. 47:301 (8)(c). All prices for purchases by Jefferson Parish of supplies and materials shall be quoted in the unit of measure specified and unless otherwise specified, shall be exclusive of state and local taxes. The price quoted for work shall be stated in figures. In the event there is a difference in unit prices and totals, the unit price shall prevail. Quantities listed are for bidding purposes only. Actual requirements may be more or less than quantities listed. Bidders are not to exclude from participation in, deny the benefits of, or subject to discrimination under any program or activity, any person in the United States on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex; nor discriminate on the basis of age under the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, or with respect to an otherwise qualified handicapped individual as provided in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or on the basis of religion, except that any exemption from such prohibition against discrimination on the basis of religion as provided in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, or Title VI and VII of the Act of April 11, 1968, shall also apply. This assurance includes compliance with the administrative requirements of the Revenue Sharing final handicapped discrimination provisions contained in Section 51.55 (c), (d), (e), and (k)(5) of the Regulations. New construction or renovation projects must comply with Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, as amended, in accordance with the American National Standard Institute's specifications (ANSI A17.1-1961).



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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To Be Determined, Gretna, LA

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