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Published March 25, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The project involves furnishing all plant, labor, materials, etc. and performing all work necessary to install a temporary dam structure in the Brodhead Creek, removal of sediment material near the BCRA Water Treatment Plant Intake and construction of a J-Hook Boulder structure along with all related Site Improvements and Restoration.The OWNER reserves the right to reject any and all Bids or parts thereof, and to waive technicalities as it deems best in the interest of the OWNER.No bid will be considered unless it is accompanied by a certified check, money order or Bid Bond in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the total Bid. The Bid Security shall be made payable to Brodhead Creek Regional Authority. All Bid Bonds must be accompanied by a Power of Attorney or suitable letter of commitment from a Pennsylvania licensed surety company as described in the Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. The Bidder and its selected Major Subcontractors shall include the fully-completed Non-Collusion Affidavit along with the other forms required by the Specifications with the Bid. Restrictions relative to submission, change or withdrawal of bids are established in the Specifications and follow Pennsylvania Public Contract Law. Attention is called to the fact that payment of Pennsylvania Prevailing Minimum Wages will be required on this project and the required wages have been included in the documents. The PA Steel Products Procurement Act will apply to this project as well.CLARIFICATION DEADLINE 2/5/2021 2:00 PM Except as permitted by law, the Owner shall award the Contract to the lowest Responsible Bidder or reject all bids within sixty (60) days from the date of Bid opening; and no bidder may withdraw his Bid before the expiration of such 60-day period; provided however that if the Award is delayed by the required approval of another Government agency, the sale of bonds, the award of a grant or grants, the Owner shall reject all Bids or Award the Contract to the lowest Responsible Bidder within one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of Bid opening, and no bidder may withdraw his Bid prior to the expiration of such 120-day period. Thirty (30) day extensions of the date for the Award may be made by the mutual written consent of the Owner and the lowest Responsible Bidder. The Brodhead Creek Regional Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or portion thereof, and to waive any informalities and to accept any bid that it may deem to be in the best interest of the Authority. CLARIFICATION DEADLINE 2/19/2021 1:00 PM


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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February 24, 2021

March 26, 2021


Multiple Locations, East Stroudsburg, PA

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