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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Perry Township, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Each bid proposal shall include all la-bor, material, and services necessary to complete this project in strict ac-cordance with the plans and specifi-cations. All perspective bidders are directed to section 102 - BIDDING REQUIRE-MENTS AND CONDITIONS found inthe 2020 INDOT Standard Specifications.102.01 Prequalification and Bidding. The bidder will be required to prequalify and follow the bidding pro-cedures as set out in the rules forPrequalification of Contractors and Bidding, 105 IAC 11, now on file with the Indiana Secretary of State, copie sof which are available upon request in the Contract Administration Division.In addition, Contractors and suppliersmust conform to IC 5-16-13. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these changes before bidding on publicworks projects.Bids shall be properly and completelyexecuted in accordance with the In-structions to Bidders and shall besubmitted on the Bid 96 Form includ-ed in the Project Manual.All bids shall be itemized.The Bid Registration form (included in Project Bid Specifications) must befaxed to 260-449!-8978 to becomea registered plan holder and receiveaddendum notifications.The bid shall also be accompanied bya bid bond in the amount of 10 % of the bid. The bid bond must be pres-ent and attached to the original bid.Bid envelope (minimum size 9" x 12")must be sealed and include companyname and address, project name, bidreference number, and date and timeof bid opening. Each bidder is re-quired to include one (1) original andtwo (2) copies of their bid.The following documents must be submitted with the bid:Completed State Bid Form 96 (re-vised 2013) including the Non-Collusion AffidavitStatement of Company Equal Employ-ment OpportunityandNon-Discrimination PolicyIndiana Legal Employment Declara-tion (E-Verify)Iran CertificationWritten plan for employee drug testing programW-9 (In the absence of a FederalIdentification Number, a Social Se-curity Number must be provided.)Required documents must be includ-ed with each submittal. The successful bidder(s) will be re-quired to furnish insurance covering Workmen Compensation, Public Lia-bility and Property Damage and anyother which may be required, beforethe contract can be signed and is-sued.A Performance Bond and PaymentBond in the amount of 150 % of thecontract price shall be required uponnotification of the successful bidderprior to signing of the contract.Bids shall not be modified, withdrawnor canceled, without the Owner's writ-ten consent, for a period of Sixty (60)calendar days commencing from theday bids are received. An out of state contractor shall haveIndiana State Gross Income Tax with-held by Allen County, unless he canshow proof that he is registered withthe Indiana Secretary of State to con-duct business in the State of Indiana. No fee will be charged for permits re-quired and issued by the Allen County Highway Department for work done onany Board of Commissioners of theCounty of Allen, Indiana owned prop-erty. The Board of Commissioners of theCounty of Allen, Indiana reserves theright to reject any and all bids for fail-ure to comply with applicable lawsand/or with the Notice to Bidders andreserves the right to waive irregulari-ties. Documents shall be available for in-spection at:Allen County Highway Department -Dan Allen or Peter Jacobs 200 East Berry Street, Suite 280Fort Wayne, IN 46802OrAllen County Department of PublicPurchase200 East Berry Street, Suite 495Fort Wayne, IN 46802


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work



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Dunton Rd, Perry Township, IN

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