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Published February 23, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of an educational facility in Durham, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the construction of a 76,608-square-foot, three-story above grade educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

This project would provide a new facility that will accommodate the expanding needs for increased classroom, teaching lab and administrative space for NCCU's School of Business. With a focus on experiential learning, technology integration, business partnering and community service, the School of Business, through its undergraduate and MBA programs and other Executive Education Programs will benefit from an updated academic facility that provides the latest advances in distance learning, audio-visual and smart classroom technology. The experiential education opportunities for students in the Hospitality and Tourism Program have unlimited potential for heightening their exposure in a setting that provides for both the educational and practical aspects of the industry, close at hand. Sealed proposals will be received by BARNHILL/D.A. EVERETT, A JOINT VENTURE for the NCCU New School of Business project for the following packages: BP105-Final Cleaning; BP550-Misc. Steel; BP725-Fireproofing; BP740-Roofing; BP750-Metal Wall Panels; BP790-Caulking & Waterproofing; BP990-Painting; BP1140-Food Service Equipment; BP1230-Finished Carpentry & Casework; BP1235-Fixed Audience Seating; BP1250-Window Treatments; BP1420-Elevators; BP2100-Fire Protection; BP2200-Plumbing; BP2300-HVAC; BP2305-HVAC Testing & Balancing; BP2309-HVAC Controls; BP2600-Electrical. Bids will not be accepted from bidders that are not pre-qualified. No facsimile or email submissions are permitted. In accordance with General Statute GS 133-3, Specifications may list one or more preferred brands as an alternate to the base bid in limited circumstances. Specifications containing a preferred brand alternate under this section must identify the performance standards that support the preference. Performance standards for the preference must be approved in advance by the owner in an open meeting conducted on the same day/time/location as the PREBID meeting. The following items are being considered for this project: Door hardware, including panic devices, door closers, strikes, exit devices, locks and cylinders, closers and power door operators/access control equipment; food service equipment, security equipment, including intrusion detection/burglar alarm panels and associated hardware, security cameras and accessories; building automation control systems, fire alarm system equipment, intercom system and elevators. All Bidders are strongly encouraged to include opportunities for Minority Business participation wherever possible in their respective Bid submission. Minority Business participation is a part of this contract and must comply with all requirements set forth in the Bid Documents. The Construction Manager and Owner reserve the right to add pre-qualified bidders. The Construction Manager and Owner reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Should you require additional direction, please call Barnhill Contracting, Jamie Massengill at 919.669.7200. Project Description: o Project Address: 829 East Lawson Street, Durham, NC 27701 o Approximately 76,608 sf - New 3 story higher education building on occupied site. o CIP Concrete Foundations, Structural Steel, Metal Stud, Cast in place concrete, and Brick Veneer. o TPO Roofing over metal deck o Building Interior - CMU & GWB partitions, Acoustical Ceilings, PLAM casework, Painting, Flooring, etc. o Four Pipe, VAV System. o Site Development with Site Demolition.




Public - State/Provincial

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February 25, 2021

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829 E Lawson St, Durham, NC

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