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Published March 4, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Warren, New Hampshire. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

This Project Resurfaces Seven (7) Sections of Tier 2, 3 and 4 Roads Within Nine (9) Towns of District 2. The Sections Total Approximately 29.8 Miles in Length. Incidental Work Includes Drainage Adjustments. Bidders Should Act Promptly and Submit All Questions Pertaining to the Project in Writing to Ron Grandmaison at Ronald.grandmaison@dot.nh.gov at Least Five (5) Business Days Before the Hour and Date Set for the Bid Opening. No Phone Calls or Faxes Will Be Accepted. All individuals, firms, partnerships or corporations intending to bid, must file a statement showing their qualifications with the Dept. of Transportation on forms prepared for that purpose at least ten (10) days prior to opening of bids. No authorization to bid will be granted to a prospective bidder not prequalified. Any information submitted as part of the Invitation to Bids may be subject to public disclosure under RSA 91-A. In addition, in accordance with RSA 9-F:1, any contract entered into as a result of the bid letting will be made accessible to the public online via the website Transparent NH If contract price is $35,000 or more, the successful bidder will be required to furnish a contract bond in the amount of one hundred (100) percent of their bid on forms furnished by the Department. The right is reserved to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all proposals. In order to be authorized to bid, the Departments Request for Proposal (RFP) form must be submitted to the Contract Office of the Department of Transportation. Once the RFP from has been approved, the Contractor is authorized to bid. At this time the password card will be issued allowing the Contractor access to the on-line bidding documents, including the Plans and Specifications. NHDOT - Resurfacing Various Tier 2, 3, and 4 Roadways in District 2 This project involves resurfacing of various roadway sections located in Maintenance District 2. The resurfacing program consists of seven (7) sections totaling 29.8 miles in nine (9) towns. Refer to the Description of Sections, Summary of Estimated Quantities, and Location Maps for each section to establish the scope of work. Miscellaneous work includes curb ramp upgrades for ADA compliance. In order to allow the Department to schedule manpower for bridge work and road maintenance work by State Forces, contact the District 2 Assistant Maintenance Engineer (Chris Turgeon, 603-448-2654), and the Bureau of Bridge Maintenance Administrator (Steve Johnson, 603-271-3667) to coordinate paving work with maintenance activities. No work shall begin until the Department maintenance activities on each individual section are completed or the section release date is reached, whichever happens first. Section Location 20212 Warren-Benton, High Street, 1.5 Miles 20213A Canaan, Canaan Street, 0.5 Mile 20215 Lyme, East Thetford Road, 1.4 Miles 20218 Lebanon-Enfield-Canaan, US 4, 11.8 Miles 21209 Warren, NH 118, 7.3 Miles 21210 Piermont, NH 25C, 5.1 Miles 21216 Haverhill-Bath-Benton, Bradley Hill Road, 2.2 Miles


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Warren, NH

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