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Published May 5, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

**As of 5/5/2022, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established. Estimated cost ; In excess of $15,900,000 LAST DAY TO SUBMIT QUESTIONS July 23, 2021 DEADLINE DATE to submit questions is extended to Friday July 30, 2021. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. The Work of this Project includes, but is not limited to, the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, tools, supervision and incidental items necessary to replace the Carrier Transmission System (CTS) backbone in order to improve the reliability of communications throughout the Authority's light rail system. The current CTS is approaching the end of its useful life. The scope includes the following: CTS Network Equipment, Power Systems, Signal Systems, Fiber Optic Cable Plant, Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS), Control Systems, Modifications to Authority's Rail Traffic Operations (RTO) HMI Software and Hardware and related work. A. Install an Ethernet-based communications network that will replace the existing SONET system, with the exception of the SONET nodes installed as part of the North Shore Extension Project. B. Eliminate the Digital Audio Cross Connect Switch (DACS). C. Provide spare capacity requirements for future needs. D. Replace the 48VDC Power System and UPS for the CTS communications sites. E. Interface each existing client subsystem to the new Ethernet-based CTS. F. Replace RICS PLCs at TPSS and Fan Ventilation locations with Ethernet based PLCs. G. Replace SACS PLCs at Substation locations with Ethernet-based PLCs. H. Expand the fiber optic cable plant to include train control locations in the new CTS. Provide Serial Servers at each signal location. One location at a time, cutover the existing CTC and TWC serial communication circuits going to RTO onto the new serial servers. Verify all existing functions on the new communication circuits between the field and RTO. Remove the existing signal CTS equipment (modems, copper communications cabling). I. Install a new network management system (NMS), or an expansion of an existing PAAC network management system to monitor and administer the new CTS. The NMS will include access via the PAAC IT Network with appropriate security measures. J. Replacement of the headend RTO HMI hardware (Workstations and Communications Servers), CTS Communications, software, programming, and system testing. This work involves proprietary systems and will require the engagement of Hitachi Rail STS by the Contractor in order to complete. Each Bidder shall be solely responsible for assuring that its Bid is both received and time stamped by a representative of the Purchasing and Materials Management Department at or before the advertised time for submission of Bids. Bidders submitting bids via FedEx, UPS, USPS or other carrier must immediately provide tracking information to the assigned contract specialist via email. Upon delivery, bidder will notify the assigned contract specialist with an e-mailed receipt. Bids received or time stamped in the Purchasing and Materials Management Department after the advertised time for the submission of Bids shall be non-responsive and therefore ineligible for Award.

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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To Be Determined, Pittsburgh, PA

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