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Published December 8, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Matthews, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools seeks quotes/informal bids for the above referenced Project. Scope of Work is attached for your review. Any applicable plans or specifications are referenced therein. Documentation required: - Provide total quote/bid on company letterhead for the project and the bid form attached - Provide all documentation required in connection with CMS' Minority, Women and Small Business Enterprise Program with response. Communicate any concerns if any regarding the contract form - E-Verify - A payment and performance bond for contracts $300,000.00 or more may be required after the low bid has been awarded - Must have North Carolina General Contractor's License for Construction and Repair bids over $30K - Addenda (if applicable) Any and all questions are to be in writing and received no later than 3:00PM on Monday, February 22, 2021. yolandas.fergerson@cms.k12.nc.us Any and all Addendum will be issued via email and must be acknowledged at bid opening. Quotes/Bid should be submitted via e-mail to the Procurement Lead referenced above prior to bids due deadline. If you chose not to quote this project, please submit an email stating such by the quote due date to avoid being taken out of consideration for future projects. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg BOE reserves the right to reject any bid and to waive informalities. The intent of this project is to rebuild the running track, high jump, long jump, discus and shot put events,. The existing asphalt track and high jump will be ground up, compacted, then a new asphalt cap and a resilient surface installed. The existing asphalt long jump runway will removed and replaced with a concrete runway with a resilient surface. Appropriate striping and markings will then be applied. The running track resilient surface should be quoted separately (in the event we decide not to apply it). The products for the resilient surfaces are to be from California Products Corporation (CP) or shall be an approved equal; as approved by CMS Project Manager (PM). Data sheets for proposed surfacing materials shall be submitted at time of bid. If the proposed resilient surface materials are not approved by CMS, then the bidder shall be disqualified. In the event work needs to be continued after the start of school, it must be accomplished afterschool hours or on weekends or holidays and shall not interfere with school athletic events. Schedule, Contractor can start work on areas as early as May1, 2021. Demolition of the track shall be worked out with the AD. All work to be completed no later than August 1, 2021. Each day after August 1, 2021 Liquidated damages shall be assessed at $250 per day. Contractor to work out daily activities with the school so home spring soccer games can be completed (if needed). CMS will modify track meets as needed Contractor to make available the areas inside the construction so the landscaper can cut the grass as needed during the spring / Summer.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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February 24, 2021

May 1, 2021


940 Sam Newell Rd, Matthews, NC

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