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Published August 10, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Quimby, Iowa. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

Division I: The Work to be completed generally consists of approximately: 480.9 Units of Clearing and Grubbing; 18 S.Y. of Subbase, Modified, 2"; 339 L.F. of Sanitary Sewer Gravity Main, Trenched, C900 PVC, 12"; 378 L.F. of Sanitary Sewer Forced Main, Trenched, C900, 4"; 37 L.F. Sanitary Sewer Service Stub, Sch 40 PVC, 4"; 75 L.F. of Removal of Sanitary Sewer, Clay, 12"; 30 L.F. of Water Service Pipe, Type 'K' Copper, 1"; 78 L.F. of Water Service Pipe, Type 'K' Copper, 2"; 1 EA of Water Service Curb Stop and Box, 1"; 2 EA Manhole, Circular Sanitary Sewer Manhole, SW-301, 48"; 1 EA of Internal Drop Connection; 1 EA of Remove Manholes; 18 S.Y. of Pavement, PCC 6"; 714 S.Y. of Driveway, Granular; 1 L.S. of Temporary Traffic Control; 0.35 AC of Conventional Seeding, Seeding, Fertilizing, and Hydro-Mulching; 85 L.F. Filter Sock, 8"; 85 L.F. of Filter Sock, Removal; 450 L.F. of Silt Fence; 100 L.F. of Silt Fence, Removal of Sediment; 450 L.F. Silt Fence, Removal of Device; 1 L.S. of Mobilization, 1 L.S. of Removal of Lift Station; 1 L.S. of Lift Station; 1 L.S. of Control Building; 1 L.S. of Stand-By Generator. See Bid Form for exact quantities. Division II: The Work to be completed generally consists of approximately: 50 Unit of Clearing and Grubbing; 274 C.Y. of On-site Topsoil; 148 C.Y. of Excavation, Class 10; 1,774 S.Y. Subgrade Preparation, 12"; 282 S.Y. Modified Subbase, 2"; 1,774 Modified Subbase, 6"; 30 L.F. of Sanitary Sewer Gravity Main, Trenched, C900 PVC, 8"; 392 L.F. of Sanitary Sewer Gravity Main, Trenched, C900 PVC, 15"; 321 L.F. of Sanitary Sewer Service Stub, Sch. 40 PVC, 4"; 376 L.F. Removal of Sanitary Sewer, Clay, < 12"; 376 L.F. Removal of Sanitary Sewer Stub: 10 L.F. of Storm Sewer, Trenched, HDPE, Dual-Wall. Non-Perforated, 8"; 5 L.F. Removal of Storm Sewer, RCP, < 10" Dia.; 2 EA Manhole, Circular Sewer Manholes, SW-301, 48" Dia.; 2 EA of Intakes, Circular Area Intakes, SW-512, 18"; 1 EA of External Drop Connection; 2 EA of Remove Manhole; 1 EA of Remove Intake; 1,906 S.Y. of HMA Pavement, 1M Esal, 3/4" Mix, Base Course, 4" No Frict.; 405 SY of HMA Pavement, 1M Esal, 1/2" Mix, Intermediate Course, 3", 1,685 SY of HMA Pavement, 1M Esal, 1/2" Mix, Surface Course, 2" No Frict.; 1 LS of HMA Pavement Samples and Testing; 125 S.Y. of Removal of Sidewalk; 147 S.Y. Removal of Driveway, HMA and PCC; 157 S.Y. of Sidewalk, PCC, 5"; 100 SF of Detectable Warnings; 17 S.Y. of Driveway, Paved, PCC, 6"; 149 S.Y. of Driveway, Granular; 1,593 S.Y. Pavement Removal, HMA; 1 LS of Temporary Traffic Control; 0.3 AC of Conventional Seeding, Seeding, Fertilizing, and Hydro-Mulching; 92 L.F. Silt Fence or Silt Fence Ditch Check; 31 L.F. Silt Fence of Silt Fence Ditch Check, Removal of Sediment; 92 L.F. of Silt Fence or Silt Fence Ditch Check, Removal of Device; 120 SY of Stabilized Construction Entrance; 5 EA Inlet Protection Device, Silt Sock; 5 EA Inlet Protection Device, Maintenance; 1 LS of Mobilization. 1 LS of Maintenance of Postal Service' 4 EA of Remove and Replace Signs. See Bid Form for exact quantities. Bidder shall submit a Bidder Status Form with their bid. Failure to submit a fully completed Bidder Status Form with the bid may result in the bid being deemed unresponsive and rejected. A certified check or a bid bond of a reputable bonding company authorized to do business in the State of Iowa in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid shall be included in a separate sealed envelope, plainly marked "bid bond". The bid guarantee shall be forfeited as liquidated damages if the successful bidder fails proper execution.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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