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Published February 14, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and new construction of an educational facility in Mission, Kansas. Completed plans call for the construction of a 74,000-square-foot, two-story above grade educational facility; for site work for a educational facility; and for the demolition of a educational facility.

This project consists first of the demolition of the existing 1 story school building (50,000 SF) and site. Once complete, construction of a new 74,000 sf building shall begin. The new 2 story building's structure is comprised of concrete footings, FEMA-rated precast walls, structural steel, structural studs with a combination of brick and metal panel skin. The new school includes a gymnasium, kitchen equipment, elevator, and all associated furnishings for a complete building. All Bids shall be valid for acceptance by the Owner for a period of [Sixty (60)] calendar days after submission of the Bid(s). Bid Bonds are required on this Project. The Bid Bond shall be provided pursuant to the Instructions to Bidders and in the form attached in Section 00 43 13. MBE/WBE goals are not required on this Project. However, it is requested that Bidders actively solicit minority contractors, suppliers and their organizations. This project will achieve LEED Certification. All bidders must include applicable and corresponding LEED items pertaining to their scope to achieve this certification. Bid Results:- 1. Structural Demolition- Remco Demolition LLC- $189,710 2. Building and Site Concrete -Leavcon II -$2,387,430 3. Masonry- Five Star Masonry- $1,081,000 4 .Precast Concrete- Enterprise Precast Concrete- $1,039,369 5. Structural Steel & Misc. Steel- Doherty Steel Inc.- $2,876,248 6. Rough Carpentry -Zimmerman Construction Co. Inc. -$1,468,000 7. Millwork & Finish Carpentry -Carroll Seating Company- $783,000 8. Glued Laminated Beams -JE Dunn Construction Company- $313,900 9. Roofing and Sheetmetal Wall Panels -Diamond Everly Roofing -$1,820,988 10. Sealants & Firestopping -Chamberlin Contracting, Inc. -$270,813 11. Sectional Doors- Overhead Door of Kansas City -$192,651 12. Glass and Glazing- Midwest Glass and Glazing -$766,750 13. Metal Stud & Drywall -Higgins Group Inc.- $1,350,000 14. Tile- Campione Interior Solutions -$92,200 15. Acoustical Ceiling Tile- Wilko Acoustical Solutions- $218,000 16. Wood Flooring -Acme Floor Co. Inc.- $88,038 17. Resilient Flooring -Regents Flooring -$264,970 18. Resinous Flooring -Treadwell LLC -$113,500 19. Paint -Advanced Commercial Painting LLC -$274,000 20. Signage- Grandmark Signs LLC- $99,828 21. Food Service -B&J Food Service Equipment -$359,000 22. Gym/Athletic Equipment -Carrol Seating Company -$59,845 23 Blinds and Shades -Signature Craft- $103,299. 24. Bleachers- Heartland Seating Inc.- $46,761 25. Elevators- Otis Elevator- $114,000 26. Fire Suppression -Aegis Fire Protection LLC -$234,580 27. Plumbing -QuesTec Constructors, Inc. - $1,166,000. 28. HVAC- Saladino Mechanical Co. -$2,393,800 29.Electrical- MC Electrical Inc.- $2,995,000. 30. Earthwork and Site Demolition & Site Utilities -Legacy Underground Construction-$1,124,231 31. Asphalt- McAnany Construction -$170,875 32. Landscaping -Fell Seeding and Mulching Co. Inc.- $212,980 33. Fencing- Robinson Fencing -$110,850. 34.Site Utilities-Legacy -$456,023

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Public - City

Demolition, New Construction, Site Work

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6001 W 52nd St, Mission, KS

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