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Published December 13, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Description: Design-Build Construction of a Consolidated (TFI) Flight Base Operations Facility at Fairchild Air Force Base, Spokane, WA for the Department of the Air Force. FOR INFORMATION ONLY: This synopsis is a notification that a solicitation is anticipated and forthcoming. All questions regarding this synopsis should be submitted in writing (via email) to the individuals noted below. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Seattle District (NWS) has a requirement for and intends to procure design and construction services to construct a Consolidated (TFI) Flight Base Operations Facility not to exceed 5,784 SM. The building will require third party certification of High Performance and Sustainable Building Guiding Principles Compliance (HPSBGPC) using either US Green Building Council (USGBC) or Green Building Initiative (GBI). This permanent facility will consolidate the functional elements of an active duty (AD) Operations Group, Operations Squadron (with its integral Base Operations Element), Aircraft Flight Equipment (AFE), and an Air National Guard (ANG) Air Refueling Squadron Operations Group, Operations Support Flight, Joint Worldwide Intelligent Communications System (JWICS), weather equipment infrastructure, and a Flight Kitchen in support of an additional 12 Primary Aircraft Authorization (PAA) and the associated new squadron while maximizing Total Force Integration (TFI) efficiencies. The facility will include reinforced concrete foundation, concrete floor slab, structural steel frame, standing seam metal roof and exterior. Project will include fire suppression and alarm systems, all utilities and building systems, pavements, communications, site improvements, and associated support facilities to provide a complete and usable facility. Building systems include but are not limited to HVAC, plumbing, mechanical, fire protection, electrical, and communication systems. Support facilities include but are not limited to land clearing, paving, fencing, general site improvements, utility connections, site lighting, parking, access drives, curb and gutter, sidewalks, storm drainage, landscaping, access roads/paving, and signage. Project shall provide new parking (3,948 SM), demolish building B1 (2,026 SM) and parking lot (3,138 SM), and provide integrated access to flight line as part of this facilities' site work. Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) and physical measures for the design will include minimum standoff distances from roads, parking areas and vehicle unloading areas. Department of Defense principles for high performance energy and sustainable building measures are required in the design and construction of the project in accordance with federal laws and Executive Orders. The A-E will register the design for third-party certification using either the USGBC or GBI. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for this project is 236220, Commercial and Institutional Building Construction, and the associated small business size standard is $39.5 Million in average annual receipts. The Construction Cost Limitation (CCL) for this project is $36.3 million. For this potential project, 100 percent payment and performance bonds will be required. It is anticipated the proposed project will result in a firm fixed-price construction contract. The Contractor shall be required to (a) commence work under this contract within 10 calendar days after the date the Contractor receives the notice to proceed, (b) prosecute the work diligently, and (c) complete the entire work ready for use not later than 522 calendar days after receiving notice to proceed. The time stated for completion shall include final cleanup of the premises. The solicitation will be a Two-Phase Design Build competitive acquisition in accordance with procedures outlined in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 36.2 entitled, "Two-Phase Design Build Selection Procedures." We will first solicit proposals for Phase One. Firms that wish to be considered may provide technical qualifications in accordance with the instructions in the solicitation. Submittals will be evaluated utilizing the processes defined in FAR 36.303-1. After evaluating Phase One proposals, the Contracting Officer shall select the most highly qualified offerors. Those firms will move to Phase Two of the process for additional evaluation based on information and criteria in the official solicitation document. THIS PROJECT WILL BE PROCURED ON AN UNRESTRICTED BASIS: On or about June 4, 2021, the solicitation documents for this project will be available via the official U.S. Government website at https://www.beta.SAM.gov/ under solicitation number W912DW21R0031. You must be registered with the website to download the solicitation documents. NO CD's OR HARD COPIES WILL BE MADE AVAILABLE. Offerors are responsible for checking the referenced page for any update(s) to this Notice. The Government is not responsible for any loss of internet connectivity of for an offeror's inability to access the documents posted at the referenced website. Point of Contact: The point of contact individual for administrative or contractual questions is Ms. Debbie Knickerbocker, email debbie.a.knickerbocker@usace.army.mil. Please, no phone calls. All questions must be submitted in writing to the above point of contact. Do not ask technical questions at this time, as answers to technical questions will be available through an online system during the solicitation.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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To Be Determined, Fairchild Air Force Base, WA

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