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Published June 22, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Paterson, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Passaic Brief Description of Work: General Construction services for the following scope of work: Replacement of existing roofing system, existing rooftop lighting, existing parapets, and chimney coping stones; exterior masonry repairs, window repairs, brick repointing, repair of existing terra cotta panels; and removal of existing trees along front faade of school. The Bidder shall be responsible for delivery of such Bidders' Questions by 11:00 AM (local time) on March 26, 2021 to Alison Perry at aperry@njsda.gov. The New Jersey Schools Development Authority ("NJSDA") is seeking to procure a General Contractor for the PS #5 - Roof Replacement, Masonry, and Window Repairs project in Paterson, NJ. The selected Bidder shall be required to submit payroll information to the Division of Labor and Workforce Development, with copies to the NJSDA, in accordance with the Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act, P.L. 2018, c. 9. Construction Cost Estimate Range : $6,500,000 - $7,500,000 General Construction services for the following scope of work: 1. Replacement of existing roofing system including installation of new roof ladders, flashing and work related to the rooftop dunnage and mechanical equipment; 2. Replacement of existing rooftop lighting; 3. Replacement of existing parapets including installation of new aluminum coping; 4. Replacement of chimney coping stones; 5. Exterior masonry repairs to cracked and/or loose face brick; 6. Window repairs; 7. Window lintel repairs and or replacement; 8. Brick repointing; 9. Repair of existing terra cotta panels; and 10. Removal of existing trees along front facade of school. This work will be bid and constructed as a single overall contract (one lump sum for all trades). General Construction Contractor with a DPMC Classification and NJSDA Prequalification of C006 or C008 or C009 who will be required to also have the following DPMC and NJSDA Specialty Trade(s) or required to engage a subcontractor(s) classified in the following DPMC and NJSDA Specialty Trade(s) if not possessed by the Construction Contractor: Structural Steel C029 Plumbing C030 HVACR C032 Electrical C047 Roofing - Membrane PVC/CPE/CSPE C067 Note that the selected Bidder shall be required to ensure that Small Business Enterprises ("SBEs") and Disabled Veteran Owned Businesses ("DVOBs") have the maximum practicable opportunity to participate in the performance of this engagement. A 25% Set-Aside Goal for SBEs and a 3% Set-Aside Goal for DVOBs have been established for this Project. Hall Construction Co., requests and encourages participation from SBE and DVOB firms DOE PROJECT NO. 4010-090-08-1400 SDA PROJECT NO. 4010-090-08-0HAL SDA CONTRACT NO. EP-0113-C01 The Project shall achieve Final Completion within 283 calendar days after issuance of the Construction NTP.




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April 21, 2021

June 21, 2021


430 Totowa Ave, Paterson, NJ

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