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Published June 15, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and addition to a medical facility in Seattle, Washington. Completed plans call for the addition of a medical facility; for the demolition of a medical facility; and for site work for a medical facility.

Deadline for Questions April 01, 2021 Rebid The University of Washington (University or UW) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified design-build teams (which may include joint ventures) to design and construct the UWMC OPMC Rheumatology Clinic. The project is the expansion and upgrade the Rheumatology Clinic UWMC NW Outpatient Medical Center to add licensed acute care hospital clinic space for exams and procedures. In accordance with RCW 39.10.300, et seq., the UW will utilize a progressive design-build approach for the procurement and delivery of the project, meaning that the Design-Builder will be selected primarily on the basis of qualifications. This approach does not require design or a complete project price proposal during the selection process. The selected Design-Builder will work collaboratively with the UW in the complete development and delivery of the project. The UW fully embraces the principles of collaboration and integrated project delivery that emphasize a cooperative approach to problem solving. Toward that end, the UW expects the design-build team, as part of the project team, to deliver this project by creating a culture of open and honest communication, utilizing Lean principles efficiently and effectively, and establishing a collaborative environment where the project team contributes its best efforts for the benefit of the project as a whole. The project budget is $7.0 million. The University's target budget for all work to be provided by the Design-Builder under the design-build contract is $5.4 million exclusive of Washington State sales tax Renovate and expand a current community based ambulatory clinic to meet the physical requirements for a licensed acute care hospital and create a separate stand-alone infusion clinic. Total square footage is approximately 12,000 SF. Construction to be scheduled in discrete phases to maintain clinical operations and minimize disruption to patients, visitors and staff in the building. The plan would be to renovate adjacent space to the existing clinic, thereafter renovate existing clinic to meet same standards. The scope includes at a minimum 24 exam rooms, 2 procedure rooms, 12-16 infusion chairs, 35 office seats, restrooms, breakroom, and infrastructure upgrades to meet programmatic needs. Conference space is desired. Additional deferred maintenance may be addressed when synergy with the project scope aligns. Construction to be scheduled in discrete phases to maintain clinical operations and minimize disruption to patients, visitors and staff in the building. The plan would be to renovate adjacent space Current Project Goals are asfollows: • Expand and upgrade the Rheumatology Clinic UWMC NW Outpatient Medical Center to add licensed acute care hospital clinic space for exams andprocedures. • Upgrade existing clinical space to meet the physical requirements for a licensed acute care hospital. • Establish a separate, stand-alone infusion clinic. • Minimize disruption to clinical operations and patients, staff and visitors in the building. • Create a welcoming and safe environment for patients, staff andvisitors. • Design and construct the renovation with thought toward future flexibility for UWMC clinical needs. • Look for opportunities to address deferred maintenance needs when synergy with the project scope align.to the existing clinic, thereafter renovate existing clinic to meet same standards.




Public - State/Provincial

Addition, Demolition, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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4245 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA

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