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Published May 10, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and outdoor lighting for a mixed-use development in Leesburg, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a parking garage; for outdoor lighting for a parking garage; road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The Intent of this Invitation for Bid (IFB) is for the County of Loudoun, Virginia (County) to obtain the services of a qualified General Contractor to construct the Loudoun County Metro Parking Garages Fare Collection & Improvements. The project consists of several improvements at both the Loudoun Gateway Garage and the Ashburn Station South Garage. The scope of Work at the Loudoun Gateway site includes the addition of fare collection gates, a gate contact at the pedestrian bridge that connects the parking garage to the Metro pavilion, and all associated work and miscellaneous improvements to both the parking structure and sitework. The scope of Work at the Ashburn Station South site includes road improvements, site lighting, signage, and miscellaneous improvements to the parking structure and sitework. Furthermore, the Contractor will be responsible for the removal of all vegetation as required by the Contract Documents, to include, haul-off and disposal. Excess top-soil and spoils shall be removed from the site. Hauling and disposal of these materials shall be included in Contractor's bid. Should the Contractor require the import of suitable materials to maintain the elevations and grades shown on the Contract Documents, then the Contractor shall be responsible for the costs of the suitable materials, inclusive of hauling, placement, and compaction. The Contractor shall be responsible for all surveying to ensure the project is installed per the Construction Documents. Any deviations from the Contract Documents shall be specifically requested via Request for Information (RFI) submitted to the Architect/Engineer of Record. All deviations shall be noted in the Contractor's "Record Set" of Construction Documents. Upon completion of the Project, two (2) hard-copy sets, and one (1) digital copy of "Record Set" Construction Documents shall be provided to the County. Project Timeline. The Contract Time is one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days from Notice to Proceed to Substantial Completion. Milestone 1: Contractor to submit all Fare Collection Submittals within thirty (30) days of Contract execution. Milestone 2: Contractor to install gate contacts and associated wiring to achieve a complete working system, complete system testing, and obtain acceptance by Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) by June 1, 2021. Questions and inquiries will be accepted in writing (email) only from any and all bidders. However, when requested, complex oral questions shall be submitted in writing. The Division of Procurement is the sole point of contact for this solicitation unless otherwise instructed herein. Unauthorized contact with other Loudoun County staff regarding the IFB may result in the disqualification of the bidder. Inquiries pertaining to the Invitation for Bid must give the IFB number, time and date of opening, and the title of the IFB. Material questions will be answered in writing with an Addendum provided, however, that all questions are received by 5:00 p.m. March 19, 2021. It is the responsibility of all bidders to ensure that they have received all Addendums and to include signed copies with their bid. The subject line of the email should state "Register for Pre-Construction Conference for the Loudoun County Metro Parking Garages Fare Collection & Improvements Project" and the email should include the name of your firm and provide contact information to include phone number and address. Providing the email requesting participation in the Pre-Construction Conference was received prior to 1:00 p.m. the day prior to the date of the Pre-Construction Conference, the County will respond with the information to participate in the Pre-Construction Conference. Emails received after 1:00 p.m. will not be responded to. To participate in the audio portion only, dial the number provided and follow the prompts as designated. To participate by computer, connect to the link provided and follow the prompts as designated. The Deadline for Questions remains on March 30, 2021


Parking Garage


Public - County

Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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146 Loudoun St SW, Leesburg, VA

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