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Published February 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Pasco, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

Per the owner, as of February 13, 2023, construction has started on phase 2 and is almost completed. Closed solicitation has been included below for reference. ……………….. Description: The City of Pasco (City), Washington, Department of Public Works - Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Engineering Division is soliciting a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified Firms registered in the State of Washington to provide Civil Engineering Services for the following two projects: Argent Road Improvement, Phase 2 ((Fed Aid No. STPUL-3522(001)) Argent Road Widening, Phase 3 ((Fed Aid No. STPUL-3522(002)) Phase 2 will provide for intersection improvements at Argent Road and Road 36. Improvements will include: a traffic signal or roundabout, sidewalk, stormwater facilities, illumination, and related improvements. Phase 3 will provide for improvements from Saraceno Way/Varney Lane and tie into Phase 2 improvements at Road 36 intersection. Improvements will include: widening of the roadway to include additional through and turn lanes, sidewalk, stormwater facilities, illumination, and related improvements. Both projects must be designed by July 2022 or sooner. City of Pasco staff has listed items included in the scope of work to aid the Consultant in identifying the level of service required for these contracts. The following lists are not all-inclusive. The scope of work will include, but is not limited to: ADMINISTRATION & PROJECT MANAGEMENT • Monitor and track schedule and budget. • Prepare and provide monthly invoices with progress reports. • Provide appropriately qualified staff in support of this project. Administration of resources to ensure timely advancement of the project. • Schedule meetings. Prepare and distribute meeting agendas and minutes, including kickoff meeting. • Coordinate with stakeholders, including funding agencies. • Coordination with utilities and transit. • Assistance with timely obligation of funds. • Attendance to Council meetings for project related presentations, as needed. DESIGN SERVICES • Provide topographic surveying. • Prepare all design documentation including: Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) required to conform to FHWA/WSDOT standards. • NEPA Categorical Exclusion is completed; however, the selected Consultant should anticipate to process any additional documentation if requested by WSDOT/FHWA, to achieve complete environmental compliance. • Issuance of one bid packet for each project. RIGHT-OF-WAY SERVICES • Prepare a Project Funding Estimate (PFE). • Prepare right-of-way plans. • Provide services to acquire right-of-way from three government agencies (Port of Pasco, Franklin County, and Columbia Basin College). • Assist with acquiring Right-of-Way Certification. BIDDING SUPPORT • Assist in answering prospective bidder questions. • Prepare addenda for issuance. • Review of bids and other documentation. CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT • Preparation of ROM and RAM. • Answer Requests for Information (RFIs). • Review of submittals. • Provide construction support and/or management services, as determined necessary, including record management. There will not be a pre-proposal site walk-through for these projects. These locations are open to the public and are located on Argent Road between Saraceno Way/Varney Lane and Road 36. Technical questions regarding the scope of this project should be put in writing and directed to Michael D. Uhlman, Senior Engineer, City of Pasco, Public Works, 525 N. 3rd Avenue, PO Box 293, Pasco, WA 99301; email: uhlmanm@pasco-wa.gov. As of March 1, 2021 this project is seeking qualifications for Phase 2 and 3. It is anticipated that services will be provided through 2023. It is the City’s intention to have design for both projects completed by July 2022. Bidding for contractor and a construction start date has not been determined at this time.* *Project information, including timeline and contacts, has been obtained through public sources. The content management team continues to pursue additional details; however, the contact(s) listed have yet to disclose or confirm any information. Inquiries should be directed to the contact(s) listed.

Under Construction

Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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October 3, 2022


Rd 36 & W Argent Rd, Pasco, WA

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