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Published June 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Albemarle, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Stanly Community College (hereinafter referred to as "SCC") is hereby seeking proposals for architectural and engineering services for a comprehensive Facilities Master Plan. This project will provide a facility master plan to include the Main Campus located in Albemarle, NC; the Crutchfield Education Center located in Locust, NC; all other leased and/or "non-owned" facilities currently occupied by SCC. The master plan should address existing campus conditions and future growth of programs derived from a Long-Range Planning Study expected to be completed by September 30, 2021. The master plan should address renovations/retrofits, new buildings, as well as other site development, utilities, and all necessary infrastructures. The selected consultant will also be responsible for developing a capital project list and associated budgets for each project. Project Initiation: This phase will allow the consultant to become familiar with available information and to assist the College with the establishment of a project schedule. Key stakeholders will be identified and methods for ensuring their participation will be determined. Data Gathering and Analysis: The consultant shall receive, review and synthesize all available studies, reports, publications, data and other pertinent information such as existing and proposed student and faculty FTE, strategic plans, accreditation and self-studies, facilities inventory, classroom and laboratory contact hours, college catalogs, etc. The consultant shall review the assembled materials and identify information gaps. Conduct Interviews with SCC Representatives: The consultant shall meet with SCC representatives to define current programs and anticipated program growth, research activity and planned changes in the curriculum. The consultant will plan meetings, facilitate discussions, and prepare materials for presentation and dissemination. Prepare Program Report: The consultant shall prepare a draft Program Report for review by the college Finance & Facilities Committee and/or determined representatives from SCC. The consultant shall conduct presentations to the College Executive Leadership Team (ELT). Upon completion of review process a Final Report shall be submitted to contain a program of renovations, improvements, new construction, and need for leased space (if any) based upon the approved master plan scenario in conjunction with the findings. The report will include estimated project costs, recommended priorities, proposed schedule of implementation, and if recommended, identification of property expansion. Facilities Condition & Assessment (proposed deliverables): Field Studies: The consultant shall participate in a walk-through of all campus facilities. Preliminary assessment of highest and best long- term use of existing facilities will be established Please direct all administrative and technical questions regarding this RFQ to Kim Bradshaw via email at kbradshaw9661@stanly.edu or by telephone at (704) 991-0206. SCC reserves the right to select or reject any and all responses as a result of this Request for Qualifications. SCC is not liable for any costs incurred by any person or firm responding to this Request for Qualifications. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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