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Published February 26, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Estacada, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

Region 1 PE EA PE003310 CON EA CON04804 Or224: Se 17th Ave - Se Rusk Road Section of the Clackamas Highway (Rt. No. Or224) in Portland. Fap No. S171(051). Estimated Value: ($ 5,000,000 - $ 10,000,000). Req. Approx. 2,900 Ft2 Temp. Signs; 6 Ea Seq. Arr. Signs; 4 Ea Pcms; 2 Ea Rdr. Spd. Trlr.; 1,000 Hr Flag.; 5 Ea Flag. Sta. Light.; 381 Ea Tcs; 22 Ea Rr Flag.; 50,498 Ft Temp. Striping; 300 Ft Temp. Barr.; 7 Ea Temp. Imp. Atten.; 2 Day Mob. Barr.; 5 Ea Temp. Traf. Sig.; 1,000 Ft Pcd; 500 Ft Bcd; 21 Ea Temp. Curb Ramp; 4,100 Ft2 Temp. Walks; 522 Yd2 Comp. Eros. Blnk.; 380 Ft Sed. Barr.; 231 Ton Contam. Soil. Disp.; Const. Surv. Wrk.; 3,516 Ft Asph. Pvmt. Sawcut.; 350 Yd2 Geot.; 850 Ft Vid. Insp.; 850 Ft Pipe; 5 Ea Conc. M.h.; 19 Ea Conc. Inlet; 1,557 Ft Drain. Curb; 13 Ea Adj. Box.; 20 Ea Adj. Inlets; 2 Ea Fill. Aband. Str.; 10 Ea Adj. M.h.; 1,132 Yd2 Br. Appr. Cppr; 320 Lb Reinf.; 0.63 Yd3 Str. Conc.; 140 Lb Str. Stl. Main.; 318 Ft Precomp. Foam Sili. Jt. Seal; 27 Ft2 Conc. Rep.; 67,961 Yd2 Cppr; 1,385 Ton Aggr. Base; 50 Ton Emuls. Asph. Tk. Ct.; 1 Ton Cacp; 16,136 Ton Acp (496 Ton Pg 64-22er; 477 Ton Pg 70-22er); 4 Ea Core Corr.; 2,446 Ft Conc. Curbs; 2,557 Ft2 Conc. Islands; 468 Ft2 Conc. Drvwy.; 13,694 Ft2 Conc. Surf.; 55 Ea Curb Ramps; 681 Ft2 Trunc. Domes; 1,600 Ft Gd. Rl.; 3,350 Ft Adj. Gd. Rl.; 12.5 Ft Conc. Barr.; 100 Ft Rem. & Reinst. Conc. Barr.; 1 Ea Imp. Atten.; 138 Ea Delin.; 1.84 Mile Rmbl. Strips; 400 Ft Paint Striping; 53,430 Ft Thermo. Striping; 188 Fbm Wd. Post; 4.3 Yd3 Conc. In Sign Sup.; 3,261 Lb Stl. In Sign Sup.; 1,358 Ft2 Signs; 86 Ft Sig. Sup. Drill. Shft.; 1 Ea Traf. Sig. Install.; 8 Ea Traf. Sig. Mod.; 522 Yd2 Lawn Seed.; 2.4 Yd3 Bark Mulch. This Project Requires Railroad Insurance. Completion Time: July 31, 2026. Classes of Work: A) Asphalt Concrete Paving and Oiling, or B) the Combination of 1) Earthwork and Drainage & 2) Miscellaneous Highway Appurtenances. This Project Contains Asphalt and Fuel Escalation Clauses. This Project Contains a 14% Dbe Goal. This Project Contains a 10% Indian Employment Preference Goal. The Oregon Department of Transportation is an Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer. The policy of the Oregon Department of Transportation is to provide equal opportunity for participation in its contracting activities to all persons and firms in compliance with applicable Federal and State laws, rules and regulations. The Department of Transportation may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the Department of Transportation that it is in the public interest to do so. For Bids submitted by hand delivery, date stamp the Bid with the provided date stamping device and place into the ODOT Procurement Bid Box located in the 1st floor lobby at the following address: Oregon Department of Transportation 355 Capitol Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97301. OR DOT - 001 - OR224: SE 17th Ave - SE Rusk Road This 3R pavement/rehabilitation project consists of proposed improvements to the OR224 segment between SE 17th Ave and SE Rusk Rd (MP -0.01 to MP 2.742). The pavement on OR224, also known as Clackamas Highway Number 171, is cracking and in need of repair to extend its lifespan and smooth out the ride for travelers. The project includes paving from SE 17th Ave (MP -0.01) to SE 37th Ave (MP 1.39) with varying single to multi-lift inlays and will include localized deep inlay pavement repairs. The segment from Bridge Number 09554 (MP 0.41) to SE Harrison St (MP 0.73) will include a one-inch overlay. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) curb ramp improvements will be included at all intersections within the project limits. ADA curb ramp improvements include replacing non-compliant curb ramps with newly constructed curb ramps that follow ODOT's implementation of ADA Standards. The project also includes minor removal or adjustments of the existing storm system, guardrail upgrades, pedestrian signal upgrades, signing and striping, and bridge repairs. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. At the intersection of OR224 @ SE M onroe (KN21606) This project will improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety by installing an enhanced crossing with a refuge median and limiting vehicle turning movements. Project activities include: Installing new lighting, Constructing a new median, Constructing new pedestrian ramps, and installing new signing and striping. The projects are being combined for construction under the KN 21598. The projects are being combined at Advanced Plans (June 2024) This 3R pavement/rehabilitation project consists of proposed improvements to the OR224 segment between SE 17th Ave and SE Rusk Rd (MP -0.01 to MP 2.742). The pavement on OR224, also known as Clackamas Highway Number 171, is cracking and in need of repair to extend its lifespan and smooth out the ride for travelers. The project includes paving from SE 17th Ave (MP -0.01) to SE Edison St (MP 1.39) with varying single to multi-lift inlays and will include localized deep inlay pavement repairs. The segment from Bridge Number 09554 (MP 0.41) to SE Harrison St (MP 0.73) will include a one-inch overlay. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) curb ramp improvements will be included at all intersections within the project limits. ADA curb ramp improvements include replacing non-compliant curb ramps with newly constructed curb ramps that follow ODOT's implementation of ADA Standards. The project also includes minor removal or adjustments of the existing storm system, guardrail upgrades, pedestrian signal upgrades, signing and striping, and bridge repairs. This 3R pavement/rehabilitation project consists of proposed improvements to the OR224 segment between SE 17th Ave and SE Rusk Rd (MP -0.01 to MP 2.742). The pavement on OR224, also known as Clackamas Highway Number 171, is cracking and in need of repair to extend its lifespan and smooth out the ride for travelers. The project includes paving from SE 17th Ave (MP -0.01) to SE Edison St (MP 1.39) with varying single to multi-lift inlays and will include localized deep inlay pavement repairs. The segment from Bridge Number 09554 (MP 0.41) to SE Harrison St (MP 0.73) will include a one-inch overlay. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) curb ramp improvements will be included at all intersections within the project limits. ADA curb ramp improvements include replacing non-compliant curb ramps with newly constructed curb ramps that follow ODOT's implementation of ADA Standards. The project also includes minor removal or adjustments of the existing storm system, guardrail upgrades, pedestrian signal upgrades, signing and striping, and bridge repairs. Note, work at SE Monroe was designed under K21606, OR224 at SE Monroe St. K21606 is now combined with K21598 for construction. The project will resurface the pavement to repair cracking, rutting and wear to improve the surface and extend the life of the roadway. Improve or install curb ramps to current standards. Construct full signal upgrade of OR224 at SE Monroe St. to replace the signal that is outdated and intersection modifications to increase safety for pedestrians and cyclists. This 3R pavement/rehabilitation project consists of proposed improvements to the OR224 segment between SE 17th Ave and SE Rusk Rd (MP -0.01 to MP 2.742). The pavement on OR224, also known as Clackamas Highway Number 171, is cracking and in need of repair to extend its lifespan and smooth out the ride for travelers. The project includes paving from SE 17th Ave (MP -0.01) to SE Edison St (MP 1.39) with varying single to multi-lift inlays and will include localized deep inlay pavement repairs. The segment from Bridge Number 09554 (MP 0.41) to SE Harrison St (MP 0.73) will include a one-inch overlay. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) curb ramp improvements will be included at all intersections within the project limits. ADA curb ramp improvements include replacing non-compliant curb ramps with newly constructed curb ramps that follow ODOT's implementation of ADA Standards. The project also includes minor removal or adjustments of the existing storm system, guardrail upgrades, pedestrian signal upgrades, signing and striping, and bridge repairs. Note, work at SE Monroe was designed under K21606, OR224 at SE Monroe St. K21606 is now combined with K21598 for construction. The project will resurface the pavement to repair cracking, rutting and wear to improve the surface and extend the life of the roadway. Improve or install curb ramps to current standards. Construct full signal upgrade of OR224 at SE Monroe St. to replace the signal that is outdated and intersection modifications to increase safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Asbestos surveys were performed on Br. No. 09554 and Br. No. 09668 in July of 2023 that will be repaired or demolished for this Project. No asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) were identified on the inspected Structures. The November 2023 Shannon and Wilson Structure Inspection Survey report, titled Structure Inspection Survey OR224: SE 17th Ave - Rusk Road MP 0.01-2.72 Key #21598 Clackamas County documenting the asbestos surveys within the Project is available from the Engineer. Maintain a copy of this report and all additional asbestos survey results on site at all times and readily available to employees and inspectors during demolition and repair activities. - In addition to the requirements of Section 00290, remove lead, chromium, and cadmium based paints, and materials coated with lead, chromium, and cadmium based paints, according to the following Specifications. Lead, chromium and cadmium based paints coat the concrete on the NW, SW and SE corners of Harrison at the intersection of OR224 and Harrison Street. Analysis of paint samples collected from this intersection detected concentrations of total lead, cadmium and chromium in the concrete paint.


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work





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OR-224, Estacada, OR

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