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Saving Project...

Published July 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Lake Forest, Illinois. Design plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The purpose of this project is to replace the existing road and gravel parking lot with asphalt pavement surface. Any drainage improvements that needs to be undertaken will be accomplished as part of this project. As of July 22, 2024, this project is included in the city's 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Program. An engineer has been selected and this project is in the design phase. Although a firm timeline for construction has not been determined, it is anticipated bidding will commence and construction will start in 2024. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: The City of Lake Forest ("City") is soliciting for proposals from qualified Firms based on the criteria/requirements outlined in this Request for Proposals ("RFP"). The intent of this RFP is to obtain proposals for Professional Engineering Services for South Park Parking Lot Design The purpose of this RFP is to obtain the best qualified, responsible firm to perform professional engineering services, based upon a review of similar project experience and the Firm's ability to perform engineering design and planning services for the South Park Parking Lot Design Project. Engineering services include, but are not limited to, surveying, data gathering, review and incorporation of City standards and requirements, development of preliminary and final engineering plans, sustainable design, exploration of possible green infrastructure options, construction specification and insuring that all plans meet the current Building Codes and Local and Federal Ordinances, and permitting assistance. Additionally, the selected firm will be expected to collaborate with City staff which may include, but is not limited to, the Public Works Department (to include the Engineering Section), Parks and Recreation Department, and the Community Development Department. The firm may also be required to present designed plans to City Boards and Commissions which may include, but are not limited to, the Public Works Committee, Parks & Recreation Board, Finance Committee, and City Council. The Committee's selection and recommendation of the selected firm will be subject to the approval of The City of Lake Forest City Council. Any received subsequent to the aforementioned date and time, may be disqualified and returned to the respondent. The City of Lake Forest reserves the right to reject any and all submissions or parts thereof, to waive any irregularities or informalities in the process. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this time.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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January 1, 2026


150 S Maywood Rd, Lake Forest, IL

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