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Published March 15, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Temple, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Contract Project consists of the supply and installation of water meters for measuring potable water usage and in the installation, implementation, and use of fixed base automatic water meter reading systems. A fixed base automatic water meter reading system hereinafter shall be referred to as "AMI", Automated Metering Infrastructure, which is to be supplied as one of the following contract options: Entirely Service-Based (Contract 1), Utility-Owned Hardware (Contract 2), or Lease-to-Own (Contract 3). All constraints/limitations associated thereto will be the responsibility of the selected Proposer to manage in order to deliver a "turn-key" project within the awarded schedule of prices, as well as within the approved installation time frame. The scope of the work should be completed within 8 months (245 days) from the execution of the contract. The engineers estimate range is $700K - 1.2M. A liquidated damages provision shall be included in the contract between the City and the successful Proposer determined by final project schedule acceptance based on the target completion goals of the City. The City is requesting proposals for the supply, installation, and potentially maintenance (depending on Contract description) of water meters throughout the City; according to the desired specifications contained herein. The City shall enter into either an entirely service based agreement (Contract No. 1), an agreement in which the utility owns the AMI system hardware (Contract No.2), or a lease-to-own agreement (Contract No. 3) for the AMI system. City personnel must be able to access all collected data at any time in order to perform daily operations, provide customer support, and monitor system performance. The finished AMI system solution shall also provide for advanced data analysis through an effective meter data management (MDM) system. Specific vendors and applications in use at City of Temple are listed herein. Proposers who can demonstrate or verify proven integration to these existing systems are preferred. The City of Temple's goal is to ensure secure and reliable system integration and to eliminate duplicate entries for any new meter or meter exchange functions. In addition, preference will be given to Proposers with capability for expanded integration such that City of Temple users (e.g. Customer Service performing a remote disconnect/ reconnect or Billing personnel identifying malfunctioning meters) will be able to do most day-to-day functions through the existing Customer Information System (CIS) as contained within Caselle. Proposer Questions Accepted Until: June 11, 2021 5:00 pm "Proposer Questions Accepted Until: September 24, 2021 5:00 pm


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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To Be Determined, Temple, GA

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