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Published June 1, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and new construction of a laboratory facility in Mississippi State, Mississippi. Completed plans call for the demolition of a laboratory facility; for site work for a laboratory facility; and for the construction of a laboratory facility.

Award Details Contract Award Date: May 26, 2021 Contract Award Number: 12405B21C0007 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID (DUNS): 093536126 Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID (SAM): STVCJNQKVBC3 Contractor Awarded Name: Marrero, Couvillon & Associates, L.L.C. Contractor Awarded Address: Baton Rouge, LA USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $2550117.54 This is a Request for Proposals (RFP). The Small Business Administration has approved this 8(a) Competition, the SBA Requirement No. is JS1614117414O. The USDA, ARS Research Service (ARS) Southeast Area (SEA) Crop Science Research Laboratory (CSRL) in Mississippi State, MS has a requirement for the removal of existing and construction of new greenhouse. All work shall be performed in accordance with the terms, conditions, drawings and specifications contained in the solicitation documents. Contractors shall not directly contact the facility to discuss this requirement. A site visit will be scheduled for interested contractors, the solicitation will be updated via an amendment to include the site visit details. Participants will meet at: USDA ARS Crop Science Research Laboratory (CSRL) 810 Highway 12 East Mississippi State, MS 39762 Pre-registration to attend the site visit will be required no later than TBD by email notification to Nicholas Langley, Nicholas.Langley@usda.gov, and TBD. Provide names of personnel to be in attendance, limited to two individuals per firm. Wearing of face masks and practicing of appropriate social distancing is required at the site visit. Proposal must be received not later than 2:00 p.m. Central Monday May 03, 2021 Proposal must be in writing and emailed to: Nicholas D. Langley USDA ARS SEA AAO Nicholas.Langley@usda.gov PROPOSAL MUST BE ANNOTATED AS SUCH AND REFERENCE THE SOLICITATION NUMBER. Please include a detailed breakdown of price with various cost elements (e.g. materials, sub-costs, bonding, insurance, etc.). Additional proposal submission requirements can be found in the instructions to offerors, in Section L. All questions pertaining to this solicitation, including questions that arise during the site visit, must be submitted to Ncholas.Langley@usda.gov by Friday April 16, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. Central. Questions that are not submitted in writing or that are not submitted by Friday April 16, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. Central may not receive a response. Questions/answers discussed at the site visit will not be binding on the resultant contract unless submitted in writing and incorporated into the solicitation by amendment. 1. With regards to desired panel width/bar spacing for the glazing - polycarbonate glazing will be used on these greenhouses. The glazing spacing specified was based on the existing glazing spacing. If a wider glazing spacing will work with all the other elements of the greenhouse design; vented panels, mechanical, lighting, bay size, etc., then there is no issue with panel spacing. 2. The documents state the greenhouse designer is required to be licensed in the state of Louisiana. The reference to Louisiana is in error, it should state Mississippi. 3. Attach the updated Wage Determination, the previous wage determination has been removed as it out-of-date.




Public - Federal

Demolition, New Construction, Site Work





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To Be Determined, Mississippi State, MS

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