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Renovation of a civil project in Huron, Ohio. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

Erie County, Ohio is selecting professional design firms (under ORC 153.65-.69) for partial design services (bridging documents, or approximately 30% of final design) for the purposes of obtaining financing and to expedite final design of sanitary sewer system improvements. Project summary is as follows: Sanitary Sewer Improvements from Sawmill Creek WWTP to Huron Basin WWTP Scope: 1. De-commission existing Sawmill Creek WWTP and convert to pumping station. Location is 117 North Rye Beach Road, Huron, Ohio, 44839. Existing plant is 1.2 MGD ADF and 3.5 MGD peak flow. Raw inflow is two 27 inch sanitary lines. Construction of new pump station to have capacity at 3 MGD ADF and 10.5 MGD peak; 2. Construction of a 24 inch sanitary sewer force main system from the new Sawmill Pump Station to the Huron Basin WWTP. Huron Basin address is 554 River Road, Huron, Ohio, 44839. Distance is approximately 16,000 lineal feet, with 1,000 foot directional drill under the Huron River; 3. Huron Basin WWTP Improvements. Existing plant is designed at 2 MGD ADF and 5.5 MGD peak flow. It utilizes rotating biological contactor (RBC) process for treatment, and anaerobic digestion of the sludge. Expansion to 5 MGD ADF and 16 MGD peak flow. Expansion of headworks, abandon RBC units, rehab existing clarifiers, and construction of 5 MGD oxidation ditch reactor and two 75 foot additional clarifiers; and 4. Professional services shall be completed by 12/31/2022. Other improvements include replacing existing raw pumps and controls, construction of new headworks building, 2 new clarifier tanks, supplemental standby power, aerobic digester, and other related improvements. For technical project information contact: John Rufo, Interim Erie County Utilities Director at jrufo@eriecounty.oh.gov or (419) 627-2302. For RFQ process information contact: Leah Trumpower, Erie County Purchasing Coordinator at Ltrumpower@eriecounty.oh.gov or (419) 627-7618. Erie County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to accept any proposals The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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