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Published April 20, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Crofton, Nebraska. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Nebraska Game & Parks Commission sometimes referred to as the "Commission" or "Owner." The acting head of the Engineering Division of the Commission is the representative of the Commission for the purpose of this Contract. He may act personally or by and through such assistants as may be duly authorized to act for him; but whenever in these conditions the words Owner or Commission are used, it shall be understood as referring to the acting head of the Engineering Division of the Commission and not to any assistant. The "Consultant" or "Engineer" and/or "Architect/Engineer" the Commission has employed the Consultant to perform professional services required for the planning and construction of this project. Each Bid shall be accompanied by a bid security of 5% in the required formand amount stipulated in the advertisement for bids pledging that the Bidderwill enter into a contract with the Commission on the terms stated in hisproposal and will furnish bonds as described here-in-after covering the faithfulperformance of the Contract and the payment of all obligations arisingthereunder. Should the Bidder refuse to enter into such Contract or fail tofurnish such bonds, the Bid Security shall be forfeited to the Commission asliquidated damages, not as penalty. The Bidder shall furnish the required 100% Performance and 100% Labor andMaterial Payment Bonds to the Commission not later than the date of executionof the Contract. Always report questionable species to the Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, Fisheries Division, (402) 471-5515, for identification. Information is available from many sources about identification of an aquatic nuisance species; however, specimens are needed to confirm sightings. Many jurisdictions have different rules regarding possession and transport of specimens. Always ask our agency's Fisheries Division representative for transportation instructions prior to transportation. The lift station with all components are required to be complete and operational by May 14, 2021. The Commission shall have the right to reject any or all Bids, to reject a Bid not accompanied by any required bid security or data required by the Bidding Documents or to reject a Bid in any way incomplete or irregular.


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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To Be Determined, Crofton, NE

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