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Saving Project...

Published April 28, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and new construction of a mixed-use development in Watertown, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the construction of a 1,751-square-foot stadium; for site work for a stadium; educational facility; educational facility; sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

New construction of a concessions building with serving and ticketing windows, a utility room, and storage rooms. Project also includes foodservice equipment, exterior concrete sidewalks, and stadium entrance gate system. Bids must be accompanied by bid security in form of certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond in amount of 5% of base bid submitted, made payable to the owner, as guarantee that bidder will, if awarded, enter into contract in accordance with contract documents and submitted bid. Base bid and all alternate bids shall be stated both in writing and in figures. In all cases, written and numerical figures must agree; otherwise at Owner's option, it shall be cause for rejection of bid. Complete form without alteration. Owner may make such investigations as they deem necessary to determine the ability and responsibility of the bidder to perform the work, and any bidder shall furnish to Owner all such information and data for this purpose, as the Owner may request. Owner reserves the right to reject any bid if the evidence submitted by, or investigation of, such bidder fails to satisfy the Owner that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the Work contemplated therein. Owner reserves the right to (1) accept bidder's Base Bid only, (2) accept any one or more of bidder's Alternate Bids, in any order regardless of the order in which they were listed, (3) reject all Bids, (4) award contract based on Owner's investigation of bidders, as well as acceptance of alternates, all of which Owner deems to be in their best interest, (5) waive informalities or minor irregularities in bids and waive minor irregularities or discrepancies in bidding procedure. Upon award of Contract, Contractor shall provide AIA A312 Performance and Payment Bonds in the amount of 100% of Contract Sum in accordance with General Conditions and Amendments to General Conditions. Start Date: Work will begin after receipt of the signed contract from the Owner. The anticipated award date is April 19, 2021. Pre-construction and submittals work related to the project is to commence immediately after receipt of the signed contract. Actual work on site may commence immediately after Contract award. Each bidder (including subcontract bidder where appropriate) is required to visit the site and to fully inform themselves and record their own investigations as to the extent of the Work, the extent of the work performed by other contractors under other construction packages, conditions under which the Work is to be performed, existing buildings and streets, conditions of the area, existing utilities and other features, type of soil, available facilities and difficulties that may be encountered in connection therewith, and other relevant items which will affect his bid or the Work. Substantial and Completion Date: Owner requires all work to be substantially complete on or before August 20,2021, as listed in 01 11 00 Summary of Work as well as the overall construction schedule provided in section 01 32 10 Project Schedule Requirements. Final completion of all work must be completed by September 15, 2021.




Public - County

New Construction, Paving, Site Work




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April 13, 2021

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1001 MN-25, Watertown, MN

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