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Published August 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, paving and new construction of a mixed-use development in New York, New York. Completed plans call for the demolition of a bridge / tunnel; for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

As of August 23, 2022 project is currently under construction since around June 2022. The New York State Department of Transportation (Nysdot) Will Issue a Request for Qualifications (Rfq) to Obtain a Statement of Qualifications (Soq) From Firms Interested in Providing Design build Services for Van Wyck Expressway (Vwe) Capacity and Access Improvements to John F. Kennedy (Jfk) Airport Project Located in Region 11 in Queens County. The estimated value of this contract is expected to be between $650 - $750 million. The work envisioned for this project will include the construction of a fourth lane on the Van Wyck Expressway (VWE) between Hoover Avenue and Federal Circle. The additional lane in each direction will be a Managed-Use Lane (MUL) with high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) restrictions. In addition to the mainline widening, the project will reconstruct, remove, or relocate the exit and entrance ramps within the project limits to address geometric and operational deficiencies, will reconstruct/replace eight (8) existing bridges and construct one (1) new bridge. The work anticipated on each bridge is as follows: BIN 5522079 Widening (carries VWE over Federal Circle): Widen the existing bridge along the west fascia. Build new abutment extensions on the west side of the bridge and make integral with the existing abutments. Construct new stringers and concrete deck to accommodate the mainline widening. (Existing superstructure stringers and deck will remain in place). Remove portions of existing western wingwalls. Construct new wingwalls aligned with the western bridge extension. BIN 1080650 - New Bridge Structure (carries VWE SB Managed-Use Lane over Belt Pkwy/Nassau Expwy Ramp): New structure will carry the southbound VWE MUL over the southbound VWE Exit 1. BIN 1075710 (existing) / BIN 1080640 (proposed) Replacement on new alignment (carries VWE NB Structure over VWE SB Exit Ramp-Exit 1): Eliminate existing piers. Construct new abutments inward of the existing abutments to shorten the span. BIN 1075630 Replacement (carries Nassau Expressway over VWE): Eliminate Piers 1 and 3. Relocate abutments. Construct new center pier east of the existing pier to accommodate the mainline widening. BIN 1076489 Replacement (VWE over South Conduit Avenue): Construct new reinforced concrete abutments. BIN 1055619 Replacement (VWE over Belt Parkway): Construct new reinforced concrete abutments. BIN 1076499 Replacement (VWE over North Conduit Avenue): Construct new reinforced concrete abutments. BIN 1055720 Replacement or retrofit (86th Avenue Pedestrian Bridge over VWE): Retrofit superstructure. Demolish and relocate existing pier between NB and SB VWE travel lanes. Retain existing approach pedestrian ramps (retain ADA compliance). BIN 1076449 Widening (SB VWE Mainline Bridge over SB Main Street): Widen the existing bridge along the west fascia. Build new abutment extensions on the west side of the bridge and make integral with the existing abutments. Design proposed stringers with a shallow depth to accommodate the required minimum vertical clearance. Modify existing retaining walls. RAMPS: Existing entrance and exit ramps in the northbound and southbound directions will be either reconstructed in place, removed, or relocated. The main changes to the existing ramp system include: Northbound VWE Off-Ramp to Atlantic Avenue/94th Avenue - Removed. On-Ramp from Atlantic Avenue - Removed. Construct new Off-Ramp between Atlantic and Jamaica Avenues. Construct new On-Ramp between Atlantic and Jamaica Avenues. Southbound VWE On-Ramp from Atlantic Avenue - Removed. On-Ramp from Liberty Avenue - Removed. Off-Ramp to Liberty Avenue - Removed. Construct new Off-Ramp between Atlantic Avenue and 101st Construct new two-lane On-Ramp south of 101st Work in this contract also includes construction of retaining walls, installation of noise barriers, construction of managed-use lane (MUL), full depth pavement reconstruction and resurfacing, new drainage structures, replacement and/or relocation of utilities, lighting, ITS, signing, pavement markings, and landscaping. The Department reserves the sole right, without incurring any liability, to change any aspect of the proposed procurement described above, including the right to not proceed with the procurement and/or right to proceed in a different manner or on a different timeline than as described above. Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Set Aside: No

Under Construction

Bridges / Tunnels


Public - State/Provincial

Demolition, New Construction, Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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RFQ D/B - Van Wyck Expressway (VWE) Capacity and Access Improvements to JFK Airport Project - Contract 3

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