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Published June 1, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Woodbury, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The existing Miller Barn is to be stabilized and repaired per the Contract Documents including the following general work scopes: Select building demolition , Siding - Repair/Replace board and batten assembly - Paint , Windows and Doors - Repair/Replace and provide vandal resistant materials , Roofing: remove existing, repair decking and provide new Cedar Shingle roofing , Structural Reinforcement: Concrete Repairs, Foundation Repairs - Provide Helical piers , Interior wood framing infill with Plywood Sheathing ,Steel reinforcement framing. The Project will be constructed under a Single-Prime Contract. The Project has State of Minnesota Grant Funding; Prevailing Wage is required. Site improvements to the areas directly adjacent to Miller Barn, including the filling of the silo and new barn access ramp with retaining walls, will be a separate project under a separate contract. Communication and coordination will be required between the two contractors to install the surrounding site improvements. Bid Security in the amount of 5% of the base bid will be required to accompany bids. Send certified checks in sealed envelopes to the City of Woodbury City Hall at 8301 Valley Creek Road, Woodbury MN 55125; these must be delivered by the stated bid date and time. All envelopes must clearly be marked City of Woodbury Miller Barn Stabilization and the name and address of the bidder must be shown on the outside of the envelope. Questions about the Bidding Documents should be submitted in writing (email to Project Contact identified below) by 4:30 p.m. local time on Tuesday, April 13, 2021. If necessary, an Addendum addressing all questions will be issued by the Architect to Planholders on Thursday, April 15, 2021. Direct all inquiries to the Architect's Project Manager, Dan Lawrence at HCM Architects: Contact: Dan Lawrence, AIA, Associate phone: 612-904-1332, email: lawrence@hcmarchitects.com. The Owner requires Substantial Completion of the Project a maximum of 90 calendar days after contract mobilization. The construction schedule "window" is between May 18, 2021 and October 31, 2021. Liquidated Damages will be charged for every day exceeding this required Substantial Completion time frame. The Owner reserves the right to retain the deposits of the 3 lowest Bidders for a period not to ex-ceed 60 days after the date and time set for the Opening of Bids. No Bids may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after the date and time set for the Opening of Bids. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and further reserves the right to award the Contract to the best interests of the Owner.




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April 22, 2021

May 18, 2021


11500 Valley Creek Rd, Woodbury, MN

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