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Site work for a road / highway in Vernal, Utah. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

PAVEMENT MARKING PROJECT VERNAL CITY Sealed bids for 2021-2023 PAVEMENT MARKING PROJECT will be received by the Owner, Vernal City, at its office located at 374 East Main Street, Vernal, Utah 84078 until 10:00 a.m., local time, on Thursday, April 22, 2021. Bids sent by mail shall be addressed to Mike Davis, Finance Director, and shall be labeled "Bid for 2021-2023 Pavement Marking Project". The project consists of 3 separate applications of pavement striping, and pavement markings at various locations within the city limits of Vernal City. Completion dates for each application shall not be later than June 1st, 2021, June 1st, 2022, and June 1st, 2023. The contractor will thoroughly clean all surfaces to be painted. The contractor will provide all materials, equipment, staging sites, traffic control and labor necessary to complete the Work described in the contract documents. Copies of the Project Manual, including the Bidding Requirements and proposed Contract Documents may be obtained by contacting Daren Anderson at CRS Engineers, 2028 West 500 North, (P.O. Box 1485), Vernal, Utah 84078, Telephone (435) 781-2250, upon payment of $20.00 for each set. Return of the manuals is not required, and the amount paid for the manual is non-refundable. Persons wishing to obtain electronic copies of the manuals shall furnish their e-mail address for delivery of documents and addenda. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to determine which bid is, in the Owner's judgment, the lowest responsive bid of a bidder or group of bidders. The Owner also reserves the right to waive any informalities in any bid and to delete certain items listed in the bid as set forth therein. Bids received after the time established for receiving bids will not be considered. Except as provided in the Instructions to Bidders, no bidder may withdraw his bid after the time established for receiving bids or before the award and execution of the contract, unless the award is delayed for a period exceeding sixty (60) calendar days. Bids will be opened at 10:00 a.m. local time, on Thursday, April 22, 2021, at the Vernal City Finance Department offices located at 374 East Main Street in Vernal, Utah. Bidders must be licensed in the State of Utah for an amount equal to or greater than the amount of their bid and for the type of work required, at the time of bidding and throughout the period of the contract. Bidders on this work must comply with all applicable governmental and local agency requirements. Published in the Vernal Express April 7 and 14, 2021.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Site Work

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April 22, 2021

May 24, 2021


Multiple Locations, Vernal, UT

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