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Demolition and site work for a municipal facility in Bremen, Indiana. Completed plans call for the demolition of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

Demolition Marshall County, Indiana, Un-safe Building Board 4241 E. Shore Drive, Bremen,INDemolition Project Notice to Contractors desiring to submit quote and Clarence and Evelyn Bellman, Mrs. Di-ane Keck, and Mr. Stuart Bell-man: The Marshall County, In-diana, Unsafe Building Board isseeking quotes for the demoli-tion of 4241 E. Shore Drive,Bremen, Indiana (project). The project includes the demo-lition of one structure and appurtenances as described in the specifications and located at 4241 E. Shore Drive, Bre-men, Indiana. No quote shall be withdrawn af-ter scheduled closing time for receipt of quotes for at leastforty-five (45) days. The County reserves the right to reject anyor all quotes, accept all or anypart of any quote received, towaive any and all informalitiesin quoting, and to accept thelowest and/or best quote. Pursuant to Indiana Code 36-7-9-11(c), further notice isprovided that this action is toenforce an unsafe building or-der previously issued by the Marshall County Unsafe Build-ing Board Enforcement Author-ity and affirmed by the HearingAuthority to Clarence and Eve-lyn Bellman, Mrs. Diane Keck,and Mr. Stuart Bellman as per-sons with a known or recordedinterest in the identified prop-erty. Upon opening of thequotes, a contract is to be let toa licensed contractor to accom-plish work to comply with theorder. Both the quote price ofthe licensed contractor who accomplishes the work and anamount representing a reason-able estimate of the cost in- curred by the County in proc-essing this unsafe building mat-ter, if not paid, may be recordedafter a hearing as a lien againstall persons having a fee inter-est, life estate interest, or equi-table interest of a contract pur-chaser in the unsafe premises. Unsafe Building EnforcementAuthority Steve Howard may becontacted about this matter at112 West Jefferson Street,Room 302, Plymouth, Indiana,46563 (574)-935-8540.




Public - County

Demolition, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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4241 E Shore Dr, Bremen, IN

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