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Published October 4, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Red Lake, Ontario. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Snowshoe Rapids Dam (UTM 463523.61 E, 5639503.66 N) is located on the Chukuni River, approximately 35 km southeast of the Town of Red Lake in the MNRF District of Red Lake, Ontario. The dam controls the water levels in the Red and Gullrock Lake systems. Access is from Snowshoe Portage Road (east of Highway 105). Snowshoe Rapids Dam was constructed between 1963 and 1965. The dam is a concrete structure comprised of four (4) - 4.27 m wide stoplog-controlled spillways and an 82.6 m long sheet-pile overflow weir. Each spillway is designed to contain a maximum of seven (7) stoplogs. Stoplog dimensions are 4.623 m x 0.25 m x 0.3 m. The overall length of the structure is approximate 104.2 m. The maximum height of the dam is approximately 6.1 m, measured from the downstream apron. The right abutment (from a downstream facing orientation) can also function as an emergency spillway during periods of high flow. The dam has an approximate north-south orientation. Access to the deck is from the south abutment. Several deficiencies were identified during a 2016 inspection and repair options were identified to extend the life of the dam. The purpose of the project is to rehabilitate the existing concrete structure to ensure the dam remains in a safe working condition for an additional 50 years. The Ministry is seeking a Contractor for: - Repairs to the existing dam, including rehabilitation of existing concrete dam structures, in accordance with the Contract Documents; - Design and installation of erosion and sediment control and water protection measures as required to perform the Work. This is anticipated to include, but not limited to silt fences, sediment traps (or other approved sediment removal systems), and turbidity curtains as required by the Contractor's design; and - Design and construction of cofferdams and dewatering systems, to allow all construction to be completed in the dry. Key Repairs include but not limited to: - Removal and Replacement of the baffles and repair of the downstream concrete apron; - Removal of facing from the piers and abutments downstream of the gains and replacement with a new reinforced concrete facing; - Removal of facing from the piers upstream of the gains, installation of steel liners upstream of the gains and filling behind the steel liner with concrete / grout; - Removal of the top of the upstream piers and replacement with new reinforced concrete. This would include removal and replacement of adjacent spalled concrete on the pier; - Local repair of any eroded or spalled concrete on the piers below the steel liner and on the sill block; - Remove the deteriorated concrete at the downstream end of the downstream retaining wall and replace with new reinforced concrete; - All concrete repair materials will be low alkali materials with fly ash and/or silica fume supplementary cementitious materials incorporated; - Local repairs on the spalled areas of the deck around the gains; and - Clean out of joints and installation of new sealant in the deck joints. Detailed scope of work is provided on the Issue for Construction Drawings S00 - S14, Revision 0, and dated 18/04/24, prepared by KGS Group. Documents can be obtained from https://ontariotenders.app.jaggaer.com *As of April 4, 2022, the submissions are still under review with the owner. A timeframe for a possible award has not been provided for publication.


Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

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Snowshoe Dam Road, Red Lake, ON

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