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Published July 23, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Coatesville, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

It is the intent and purpose of these specifications and the accompanying drawings to cover and include all materials, machinery, apparatus, delivery, taxes, insurance, and labor necessary to properly install, equip, adjust, and put into perfect function the respective portions of the installation specified and to so interconnect the various items and sections of the work (new and existing) as to form a complete and properly finished whole system. Any equipment, accessories, materials, apparatus, machinery and items not mentioned in detail, and labor not hereinafter specifically mentioned or inferred, which may be found necessary in the opinion of the Architect, to complete or perfect any portion of an installation, shall be furnished without extra cost to the Owners by the Contractor. The drawings and specifications indicate the general constituents of an assembly or system and may not indicate all components necessary to complete an assembly or system. The contractor is responsible to provide complete assemblies and/or systems without additional cost to the Owner. General Construction consisting of but not limited to the following: removal, replacement, and new work addressing all conditions required to complete the work of this contract as indicated on Architectural Drawings and Project Manual (specifications all divisions as applicable); Construction fencing at construction staging area; temporary facilities and services; selective demolition; cementitious underlayment; cold formed metal framing; carpentry; sealants; doors and frames; storefronts; glazing; hardware; exterior and interior finishes; accessories; specialties; inclined wheelchair lift. Mechanical Construction consisting of but not limited to the following: Unless noted otherwise on the drawings, demolition of existing mechanical systems within the toilet room work areas and related areas, removal, replacement and new work addressing all conditions required to complete the work of this contract as indicated on the drawings MP-100 and MP-101, and Project Manual (Division 22 and 23 and the applicable portions of the other divisions). Provide new air devices, exhaust fans, balancing dampers and ductwork with connections to the existing as indicated on the drawings; provide air balancing and report of new air devices connected to the and existing system, adjustment of systems; and all equipment indicated and specified. Provide new sanitary piping with connections to the existing as indicated on the drawings; new domestic hot and cold water distribution systems including insulation connecting to the existing piping as indicated on the plumbing drawings; new plumbing fixtures including all accessories; insulation, piping, vents; new water piping, balancing of water system, adjustment of systems; and all equipment indicated and specified. Contractor shall coordinate his work with the other prime contractors, making all necessary temporary connections to maintain water and waste flow outside of the work areas, acknowledging that temporary connections may need to be made outside of regular work hours. Contractor shall coordinate his work with the other prime contractors, making all necessary temporary connections.

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Coatesville, PA

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